Wednesday, January 13, 2016


By Freddie Kaye

Did you notice the speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, at the President's last State of the Union Address?  He looked like a three thousand year old Egyptian Mummy.  His facial expressions never changed throughout the speech.  Either he was in a coma or he was already mummified.  He never got up once during the speech.  As if he was glued to his chair with Crazy Glue.  I felt sorry for the guy.  Somebody may have broken his arms or hands while he was being mummified because he never applauded, not even once.  No matter what the President said, whether the President was funny or serious.  Anything the President suggested was unacceptable.  Had it not been for Ryan's cronies in the Congress, the President could have accomplished probably twice as much as he did.  So now we know why he and Mitt Romney lost the election big time in 2008. 
I liked the president's comment about the Sputnik satellite the Soviets launched into space in 1957. That put to rest once and for all whether we are experiencing Climate Change.  The Republicans don't want to accept this reality because it would hurt the big corporations who are basically responsible for our pollution and thus for the Climate Changes which are causing catastrophic environmental changes.  If they admitted to this truth it would force the big polluters to spend millions of dollars to clean up their acts.  In turn these big corporations would spend less money financing the individual's political campaigns.
In fact, we should drastically change our campaign financing laws, too.  Let the voters elect officials based on trust and/or merit.  When the constitution was written the authors, our forefathers, thought about the rights of the people, not corporations.  There were no corporations at the time.  That is why they said "We, the People".  They did not say" We, the People and the Corporations".
I loved Michelle.  She looked stunningly gorgeous in her simple orange dress with her beautiful smile.
And what an embarrassment to all those critics of the Nuclear Deal we just signed with Iran.  Ten of our sailors were arrested by Iran for whatever reason, hours before the State of the Union Address and in less than 24 hours they were released.  Without that deal Iran would be free to do whatever they desired, regardless of the consequences.  That is the beauty of the deal which was made.  We can now talk to our foes and change the political climate for the benefit of both countries, Iran and the United States of America.
 Congress should stop trying to kill Obama Care!  Now at least 18 million Americans who did not have any health insurance have access to some Health Insurance and don't have to suffer because they can not obtain medical help. 
I love America and I am proud to have the privileges I enjoy so much.  It has a President who speaks to the people and who cares for the people.
If the rest of the world could vote with their feet, I believe that three quarters of the world would come to America.

G'd bless America!