Thursday, May 12, 2016

How easily we forget!!

My mother used to have a favorite saying: "Small children, small problems, big children, big problems."  You can take this wise truism and transfer it to many different issues.  For example: small accident, little damage, big accident, big damage.  Likewise: little exposure few critics, big exposure, tons of critics.
This is how I feel about Hillary Clinton.  She has had a lot of exposure, therefore many critics.  But there is another element involved when it comes to her critics.  Number one, she is a woman.  Number two, she is a Democrat.  So, her political enemies, the Republicans have slung all kinds of mud against her.  And she just ignores them and does what she has to do.  Move on forward and stand up against them all.
How many congressional hearings and inquiries have they wasted on Benghazi just to purge their on conscious?  Had Congress not cut the defense budget for embassy security, maybe Benghazi would not have happened at all.
Now they accuse her of having brought down Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.  You must be kidding.  Does anybody remember when in 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 was blown up over Lockerbie in Scotland, killing 243 passengers and 16 crew members, plus 11 people on the ground?  We hated Gaddafi.  Or don't you remember when in January 1989, President Ronald Reagan ordered two Libyan warplanes to be shot down by the U.S. Air Force off the Libyan coast, because Gaddafi became too crazy for Westerners?  We had trouble dealing with such an erratic leader.  So when there was a chance to get rid of him, we helped.  We had plenty of reasons to help his opponents to overthrow him and to get rid of him.  Just like Saddam Hussein of Iraq, Gaddafi was a loose cannon ball.
So Hillary did what we wanted and needed to do.  We had to encourage his opponents to overthrow him for Libya's own good.  And the Republicans criticize President Obama for being weak or not having a foreign policy or for being responsible for the weakness of our economy.  Think back.  It was not so long ago that we wanted out of Iraq and out of Afghanistan.  Who got us there?  President George Bush, a Republican.  Who got us out?  President Obama.  That is what the people wanted, that is what he pledged he would do if he would be elected and that is what he did.  Hillary was his first Secretary of State.  So now the Republicans are trying to find fault with her because she e-mailed unclassified e-mails on her private server back to the states.  Even the revered Colin Powell admitted that it is sometimes difficult to know which e-mails are classified and which ones are not because they only get classified when they arrive at the State Department.  So she did not break any rules.  They just did not exist.  And who s the first person ever to try to do something to provide healthcare for millions of people who were not covered by medical insurance because they could not afford any insurance.  It was Hillary when she was the first Lady.  And now much of the country is looking at another erratic potential president! 
How easily we forget!!!
"Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing".  (Luke 23-24).

Red Beans and Ricely yours
