Friday, February 24, 2017


Donald Trump was elected President of the United States.  Like most dictators, he starts out as a Populist, promising the people what they want to hear, without properly thinking through the promises he makes.  It is dangerous to make promises, especially on a large scale, because as human beings we are not in full control to keep our promises!  But what does he care?  He is a psychotic megalomaniac, who is greedy and FEEDS ON THE ADORATION OF HIS AUDIENCES!  Now he is in position where he is trying to keep his promises at the expense of this country.  His legacy will go down in history as one of the blackest marks on the history of the United States!  Mark my words.
He promised to drain the swamp of Wall Street, but has surrounded himself with Wall Street Bankers: Steve Bannon, Steven Mnuchin, Wilbur Ross and others.  He has also surrounded himself with military people.  Why?  Is he planning on starting a war somewhere?  Dictators, when they run into domestic problems always divert attention by venturing into wars, e.g. Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, Ho Chi Minh, Hugo Chavez, etc.
He has made promises which even his cabinet can not keep.  During the confirmation hearings, hardly any of the nominees neither discussed with the president his positions, nor shared his positions!  Look at what is happening to the Wall.  It was clear the moment he announced the building of the Wall, which Mexico wouldn't and couldn't, even if they wanted to, pay for the building of the Wall.  Now who will foot the bill?  We, the taxpayers!
Now he is starting to get rid of the illegal refugees to this country.  G'd help us!  Like it or not, these illegal immigrants have made and are still making a big contribution to our society, believe it or not.  They are an important part of our economy, because they do the kind of menial work which doesn't pay much and no American wants to do. 
A recent study by The American Action Forum and Pew Research has estimated that implementing the forced deportation of the illegal immigrants will cost us $420 to $620 Billion.
Why do the tax payers have to pay for Secret Services to guard his sons while they are conducting business in Dubai on his behalf?  This is a private venture, so let the venture pay for their protection.  After all he has the money and hasn't paid Federal Income Taxes for over 20 years.  He has made and still is making Billions of dollars while he is acting as the president of this country!
Look at the protests he is facing throughout the country and even the world.  Look at what is happening at Republican Town Hall meetings.  These are people who voted for the Pinocchio!
Wait till he orders Marshall Law in this country!  It will happen!
And look how he is in denial on certain issues and how he curses the press.  He is fabricating news just so he can eventually get rid of the press!
God Help Us All!

More to come.  Stay tuned!
Red Beans and Ricely Yours,
If you have friends who you think might share your views, please forward them this blog.
Also if you know people who are struggling trying to make their ends meet refer them to this link. 

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Who Are Our Real Enemies 

By Effey

Who was it that said "the elections are rigged".  Oh yes, I remember.  It was our good old friend Pinocchio.  Except it was his party, the Republican Party, that rigged the elections. 
First they re-zoned some districts.  This is called Gerrymandering.  But Gerrymandering is a device to causes minorities to have less of a say in the elections than they should have.  In reality Gerrymandering tips the political scale of favorability.  The entire point of gerrymandering is cutting up the number of voter types in such a way that it benefits a certain political party, in this case Republican candidates'.  The inherent point of ensuring one side’s victory is, in itself, unfair and unconstitutional!
And then there was voter suppression, again to stop the African American community from voting, for example the shutting down of voter sites in minority communities, or early voting sites opening for only one hour.  Also the Republicans came up with another ploy to discourage African-Americans, who mostly vote democratic.  Now they are required to have two forms of voter IDs, for example; young voters needed two forms of ID, one government issued picture ID along with a utility bill in their name, or a car registration.  Although this rule applies to everybody, there is a disparity between young white Millennial' and African Americans who don't have the same opportunities as Millennial', because they are forced to live with their parents or un-married partners and thus cannot provide the necessary documentation.  So, claiming that there was voter fraud going on in some districts (unsubstantiated!) was a ploy deliberately created to suppress the African American and American Indian vote.  It is true, that there was a lot of fraud going on, but it was deliberate and calculated engineered by the Republican Party to tip the election in its favor!  Gimme a break!!!
We worry about out enemies abroad and do not recognize that we have our own local enemies here in America in the form of the Republican Party.  Whatever happened to the Civil Rights Act?
The Republican Party also undermined President Barak Obama from day one.  It was discovered that while the Obamas were dancing their first dance at the first inaugural ball, 12 prominent Republicans (the "Gang of 12") met in a nearby hotel a mile away from the Capital to figure out strategies on how to obstruct everything the first African American president wanted to do.  In fact, when President Obama came to the Capital, one Republican had the Gaul to tell the President "actually we don't really want you here". That is when the "Tea Party" was formed.  President Obama could have accomplished far more than he did, had he had the cooperation of the Republican party instead of undermining him.
When President Obama issued executive orders, because Congress wouldn't pass any of his bills, all the Republicans were up in arms shouting "he can not do that! It is unconstitutional!"  Now, Comrade Trump is issuing executive orders from left to right.  Now, all the Republicans are saying "look how wonderful he is!  He's taking action!"
Wasn't it Comrade Trump, who wanted to drain the swamp? What happened? Instead of draining the swamp, the swamp is growing exponentially. Most of his nominees have conflicts of interest, but to the Republicans that is not an issue. What ever their Fuehrer wants, they click their heels and exclaim in unity, "Jawohl, mein Fuehrer!"
Regarding the Keystone Pipeline: Comrade Trump claims that it will create 28,000 jobs. The truth and the facts have already been established 3 years ago.  It will create less than 50 permanent jobs. And during the construction less than a thousand temporary jobs.  Either he's hallucinating, as always or he has some financial interest building it!  And what about respecting the Native Americans and honoring agreements the United States entered into with them a century ago?!  
Comrade Trump seems to want to eliminate the Press. Even though the Press was not written into the Constitution as a branch of Government as were the Executive, the Legislative and Judiciary branches of Government, the Press has become the de-facto fourth branch of the government, informing the people of the miss steps members of the Government are taking, i.e., corruption!
So, when the Press is reporting facts which Pinocchio doesn't like, he castigates the Press, but when he wants to show off how many executive orders he is issuing every day, he invites the press to broadcast his actions.
Then his storm trooper, Sean Spence (the new Press Secretary and lap dog) continues arguing with the press and maybe very soon we will have concentration camps for the Press and all other opposition.  Dictators always censure the press first.  Sometimes, they even get rid of the press altogether!
The famous Greek-American author- philosopher George Santayana once famously said; "Those who do not learn from history, are bound to repeat its' mistakes".
Following are the patterns future dictators follow in their rise to power and ultimately to the destruction of their respective countries.  
1.    When there is high unemployment and frustration in the country, they promise the masses of unemployed workers jobs.  
2.    Next, they eliminate or muzzle the Press, then the opposition.
3.    They actually create some jobs but cannot pay for them.  
4.    When the masses finally wake up to protest, the leaders deflect from the problems at home and find scapegoats elsewhere.  
5.    But in the long run they destroy their own respective countries.
God Help Us All!
Stay tuned!
Red Beans and Ricely Yours,
If you have friends who you think might share your views, please forward them this blog.
Also if you know people who are struggling trying to make their ends meet refer them to this link.