Monday, March 6, 2017

Fake News
By Effey

Pinocchio is at it again.  You, dear reader are a witness to history.  You are seeing a sequel to "Amateur Hour at the White House".  The inventor of Fake News and hyper exaggeration is at it again, to deflect from his troubles and the turmoil in the White House.  He invents phony accusations and accuses the media of being dishonest and circulating "Fake News", when he himself is the "Master Faker".  
How lucky Americans are to have a fourth branch of government, by having a free press which reports to the people the zillions of wrong doings by our elected officials!
Jeff Sessions, to me, always looked like a clown.  Now it turns out that he doesn't even have a brain or a memory!  This is supposed to be our Attorney General?!  How can he be our Attorney General, when he himself doesn't know right from wrong?
So now that someone tapped his head, all of a sudden he remembers what he did.  Now he is given a chance to supplement his testimony.  That in it self is a new procedure which the Republican just invented, to make him and the party look good.  And do you really believe that President Obama tapped Pinocchio's phone lines?  President Obama was impeccable.  You may not have agreed with his policies but he didn't have a single scandal during his administration.  Neither did he start any wars.  And his Attorney General, Eric Holder, was without reproach.  Both, Pinocchio and Jeff Sessions have large shoes to fill.  Did you ever notice that our "Master Faker" can dish it out but cannot take it?
As for his hypocrisy: he claims he wants to save money for the American people, yet every weekend he travels to his private estate (which gives the estate free PR and free advertising and will increase its market price for functions and eventual sale).  So far, it has cost the American people Eighteen Million Dollars in six weeks.  Ten million Dollars for the use of his plane and the additional Secret Service surrounding the villa.  
In the mean time Camp David is eating up Eight Million Dollars buy not being used.  Trimming the EPA will put three hundred people out of work.  This is called "job creation"!  
And by giving the green light to the Keystone and North Dakota pipelines, we are totally ignoring a contract which the United States made with the American Indians, which some time in the future could possibly impact on their health, too.  The Native American Indians are rightfully bound to challenge the United States for years in court. Haven't we done enough damage yet to our Native Americans?  
In typical Trump fashion the president exaggerates the number of people the construction of these pipelines could employ.  Both pipelines together would only employ one thousand to fifteen hundred people which would only last about two years.  Once the pipelines are completed, each pipeline would only employ fifty people to maintain them.  Question:  Does the Donald or his family have any financial interests in these pipelines?
On another subject, The President has surrounded himself with a number of very competent generals.  He is also talking tough and wants to increase our military forces (I agree with the later).  He does not know the meaning of the word "diplomacy".  If he does know the meaning of this word then evidently he doesn't want to use it.  
He is also talking about infrastructure expenditures there by increasing our debt. Where will the money come from to pay for all of this?  It will not come from decreasing taxes!  The idea of trickle-down economics has been proven not to work.  What this country needs is to fill the many loop holes which corporations use.  
But then the corporations cry that they cannot make any money. Of course they can't make any money when they are paying hundreds of millions of dollars to their CEO's.  
In fact, it is the CEO's who are to be blamed for the current unemployment crisis which we now have in this country.  You see the cost of labor to any business is one of the highest recurring costs of any business.  So the CEO's came up with a very simple solution.  Get rid of the labor force and replace it with technology.  And now much of the money which they saved the corporations is going to them.  Somewhere there's something "fowl in the State of Denmark".
The President complains about the mess he inherited from the Obama administration.  I shutter the thought of what Pinocchio's successor might inherit.
Both, Hitler and Mussolini came to power because there was high unemployment and inflation in their respective countries.  Both of them surrounded themselves with generals, promised to reduce the unemployment and to build an enormous infrastructure which eventually helped speed up the movement of their military arsenal.
Both of these dictators sought and found wars and lost millions of troops which lowered the unemployment rates in their respective countries.  In the beginning they were loved and adored by their citizens.  But we know what happened to them in the end.  Hitler committed suicide in a bunker in Berlin when he heard gun fire in the streets above the bunker.  The Russians had entered Berlin.  Until then he deluded himself since he didn't trust or believe his generals when they advised him, that the war he was waging was unsustainable.
Mussolini in turn lost thousands of troops in his military adventures in the Horn of Africa and Libya.  Eventually, he too lost his popularity precipitously forcing king Leopold to dismiss him.  Eventually Mussolini tried with the help of Germany to escape to Switzerland. He was caught by Italian Partisans, shot and hung for display upside down from the roof of a gas station.  
And remember what recently happened to Libya's Col. Muammar Gaddafi?  That is what happens to tough guys who don't know how to use diplomacy.
The bigger they are, the harder they fall!
Get wise Mr. President!

Stay Tuned
Red Beans and Ricely yours

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