Thursday, August 17, 2017

Trump President Or Dictator? Continued

Trump President Or Dictator? Continued
How often do you hear that the FBI raids somebody’s office? It doesn’t happen very often. Lawyers have a saying that when somebody winds up in court, that person has dirt on them. During Trumps campaign for President, when Donald Trump hired Paul Mueller all of a sudden Donald Trump gained legitimacy When Paul Mueller started to rack up delegates to the convention at a breath taking speed. At the time I was wondering and how Paul Mueller could get all these delegates in such a short time when he was the campaign manager for Donald Trump? Frankly, I marveled at the man for what he was accomplishing. But when none other than the FBI conducts a raid in the morning at somebody’s offices they must be smelling a rat. Frankly speaking we know that Donald Trump, putting it mildly is a rat himself. If the FBI is has found reason to believe that there is a rat somewhere. You don’t order the FBI to conduct raids for no reason.
Stay tuned for more fun coming your way soon
North Korea vs. the United States
Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t it Donald Trump that complained that we telegraph all our moves to our enemies?! Just like he reversed himself on many points he is now reversing himself by telling North Korea’s Prime Minister what we will do in a military confrontation. For the last two days he has been tweeting to North Korea how he will act in the case of other threats. The North Koreans must be laughing themselves sick.
          But more importantly he needs to take a step back. Political leaders who are usually extremely popular with the people sooner or later become dictators. They promise the people everything they want to hear. When the time comes to deliver and they cannot deliver they usually pick a small country and go to war and somebody has to pay for this war. Usually it is a minority that pays’ for it. Let’s hope and pray that I’m wrong.
Stay tuned
Red Beans and Ricely Yours

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Monday, August 7, 2017

By Effey
We now seem to have a President who believes he can do nothing wrong.  Yet none of the things he claimed he could do are happening as he claimed they would.  He wanted to drain the swamp.  Instead he has presented a new kind of swamp to the American People!  His kind of swamp which is worse than the swamp of Washington ever was!
He also wanted to build the wall and Mexico to pay for it. As of today Congress has approved 1.6 Billion Dollars toward the building of this wall.  So who is really paying for it?  You and me the American tax payer.  If we build the wall to keep out illegal Mexicans from entering the US to making a better life for themselves then what happens to the Statue of Liberty which says “Give me your tired, your poor, your wretched masses yearning to be free…”. Do we now have to take down the Statue of Liberty because we no longer are willing to give those poor people a chance towards an opportunity to improve their life.  If we want to make the illegal immigrants legal then all we have to do is establish more American Consulates near the border on the Mexican side and make it easier to enter our country.  Even though they may be poor you would or could never know in advance if there is a potential Albert Einstein among them.  
Everybody got duped by this slick snake oil salesman who is now running the country!  
How will those folks who need cheap labor react when they can no longer get this kind of labor, for example farmers, restaurants, diners, home aids, nannies, house cleaners, maids and contractors.  Prepare yourself for steep cost increases for food, including frozen foods from vendors, factories and supermarkets.
President Trump recently went to Long Island to support legislation against the M13 Gang/Cartel.  In the process he spoke to thousands of law enforcement officers, praising ICE for the great job they are doing on deporting illegal immigrants from the United States, while also hinting to the police that it is okay to use excessive force.
Look at the Affordable Healthcare Act (#Obama Care), which offered for the first time in their life 20 million people who never could afford healthcare an affordable option!  Wasn’t it Trump who claimed that he had something better to offer than Obama Care and it would “really be nice”?    Have you seen it yet? Neither have I!
 He couldn’t just tweak Obama Care where it needed adjustments.  No he had to do it all over again!
Although Affirmative Action was enacted by President Lyndon Johnson, Trump is now trying to destroy it.
Everything other Presidents did to make America a better nation, President Trump is seeking to destroy.  This includes Climate change policies, environmental protection and many other programs.
The President himself does not accept responsibility for anything that goes wrong, but always blames others.  However, he takes credit for the accomplishments of his predecessor.  Is that a true leader or what? 
He duped some people and we are now stuck with him and his immediate advisors, who are under investigation by the special prosecutor, Bob Mueller.  Was this the swamp he was talking about when he offered to drain the swamp?
The President has now been in office for seven months but his only accomplishment is generating hate, scandal and distrust.
He has alienated all our allies and lowered our image throughout the world.
Remember when I referred to him as a snake-oil salesman?  Remember also how I called him a big liar-Pinocchio?
New York City’s former mayor and the founder of Bloomberg News and is a true Multi Billionaire who pays his taxes, Michael Bloomberg at the Democratic National Convention said “I know a phony when I see one!”  Boy!  Was he right!!”
First Trump told us how great Sean Pence was and how wonderful he would be in his role as Storm trooper.  Now he probably forced him to resign.
In the Russian Investigation Attorney General Jeff Sessions did what he was supposed to do, by recuing himself.   So it seems that the President is looking to fire him because the heat of the burning fire from the Special Prosecutors investigation is becoming somewhat uncomfortable for our President. As Shakespeare’s Hamlet would say “me thinks there is something foul in the state of Denmark”. Nobody has really investigated our President, but we know that he has four thousand law suits against him which cannot be prosecuted while he is in office as President. This investigation may lead to other wrong doings, possibility even crimes which he was able to avoid in the pass but may come to the surface now and potentially expose the real Donald Trump.  When will he accept responsibility for himself and when will we get to know the truth about his dealings with the Russians
The President himself does not accept responsibility for anything that goes wrong, but always blames others.  However, he takes credit for the accomplishments of his predecessor.  Is that a true leader or what? 
When a political leader thinks that only he has all the right answers, he is leaning towards dictatorship.
Donald Trump wants to bring back the past, but the past wasn’t all that great.  That is the reason why many new policies and laws were enacted.  To do away with these forms of progress can only open up old wounds.
For example: a lot of people have lost their jobs, not due to the illegal immigrants, but to the fact that it is cheaper to use a robot or to outsource jobs than it is to pay employees.   ???When you look at the total number of people employed today there are more people employed now than, let’s say in 1950. In 1950 there were 125 million people in the United States. Today there are over 350 million people in the United States This number alone shows you that there are more people today than in the 1950’s But the technical and the internet explosion have brought about the decline of many industries. It has also created new industries which require special skills. Many of these special skills workers come from foreign counties and have over stayed their student visas and found ways to become legitimate citizens.
Do we want to go back to the 1950’s?  I doubt that very much.  We might as well go back to World War II and beyond.

Stay tuned
Red Beans and Ricely Yours
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