Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Is he for real?  Now he fires his campaign manager who got him to where he is, but his family doesn't like Corey Lewandovski.  So, according to Lewandowski, he was working on Donald's campaign at 8 a.m. in the morning and then The Don called him to his office and told him "You’re fired". 
Why?  Nobody seems to know the truth but according to the Donald his family advised him to do so.
So, let me ask you a question.  The president gets himself carefully selected advisors who know a bit or two about National and International Security and who give their advice (in very measured thoughts and phrases) to the president, which the president then carefully evaluates and decides on.  Does this mean that we, the taxpayers will have to pay for the advisors, but the Don will rely on his children's advice and make his decisions based on their advice?   Give me a break!
Just think about how his advisors will feel!  Guaranteed, that if this happens too often the advisors will quit their jobs.  There will be a revolving door to the Oval Office.  And our national security will be compromised and at high risk simply because we doddle with our security.  This is not the way to run an airline!  You can not learn about international and domestic issues in a few minutes.  I often quote George Santayan who was a Greek-American philosopher and author who said: "Those who do not learn history are bound to repeat its mistakes". 
In case you do not know it, in World War II the Japanese caught the United States with their pants down when they attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.  For six months the Japanese Navy gave America a run for its money.  The Japanese had a superior fleet of six aircraft carriers, whereas the United States only had three active aircraft carriers.  During the Battle of Midway, June 4-7, 1942, the Japanese fleet sustained enormous, irreparable damage in part because the Japanese Admiral, Admiral Nagumo kept changing and re-arming his attack planes and wasting valuable time. 
Also, do you remember the Don telling his audiences that he is rich, very rich?  Well guess what!  Now he is running out of money!  Ha! Ha!  He was willing to spend $230 million for his campaign.  I forgot who said that it will take more like $730 million and he will have difficulty raising this much money.  He would lose his millionaire cronies because he offends a lot of people.
The Republican Party is also slowly deserting him.  Poor old Donald!  Don't you have pity on him?
In fact, the last First Lady before Michelle Obama, Laura Bush, President George Bush's wife said publicly that she would not vote for the Don, but that she would vote for Hillary!
Remember when big shot Donald Trump refused to participate in one of the debates, because Megan Kelly was to be the moderator of that debate?  Instead he tried to raise funds for our veterans.  All he was able to raise from his big millionaire buddies was close to six million dollars.  He himself contributed only $1 million dollars.  If you believe that he is worth $10 billion dollars then $1 million dollars is the equivalent of about 10 cents for us pee-ons!
Even the Republican Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, recently said that Republicans should vote with their conscience, meaning that The Don is not a good choice for America to its President.  Members of his party and of his retinue are urging him to act more presidential.  What are they?  Are they nuts?  If he does change and becomes more presidential what is to stop him from becoming crazy again?  Wake up America!

Red beans and ricely yours,


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