Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The Elections

Here is my assessment of the candidates running for the office of the Presidency.

Personally I like Bernie Sanders.a lot.  I have followed him for years on the Ed Schultz show where he offered his comments.  And I agree with him about the status quo in our government right now.  But I blame the Republican Senate and the Republican Congress for constantly undermining the president. 
When President Obama was running for President the majority of the country wanted us out of Iraq
So he got us out. 
But the big wigs in the Senate and the House are plain jealous that they don't have a Republican in the office and therefore they undermine everything the President wants to do.
Do we want Cruz, or worse, Trump in the oval office?  God, do I feel sorry for us if this happens!  Kasich is a good and decent man for the office, but unfortunately he does not do well in the polls.
This brings me to Hillary.  In my opinion she is a woman who has the gumption, the smarts, and the patience to put up with her opponents.  In the general election she can whip all of her opponents.  Remember, she is a lawyer by profession and she has a record for helping the poor and helping other groups.  So Bernie is attacking her for her speech to Lehman Brothers.  Doesn't he know that she was not in office when she gave that speech?  Over the weekend she held a fundraiser together with George Clooney, the actor.  This fundraiser was not for her own campaign; it was for the Democratic Party who wants to take back the Congress and finally get things done,
What can Bernie achieve?  He is looking for a revolution which will never happen.  There is an old rule; if you want to change something big, do it according to the appropriate bylaws fro within the organization.  And Hillary is just right for this because she knows how to bring about change and she also knows how to negotiate.  Remember she was Bill's private counselor.

Red Beans and Ricely yours

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