Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The Morning after the Night Before

By Effey
Last night we witnessed the most important political event in modern American Presidential History: the first debate of the 2016 campaign for President of the United States.  It was important in two respects.  It was the first time a woman is the nominee of her political party running against one of the biggest liars in all of recent history as well as the biggest showman and slick snake oil salesman since P. T. (Phineas Taylor) Barnum (1810 –1891), Donald J. Trump.
Hillary Clinton swept the floor with The Don.  She goaded him and he fell for the bait and thereby unraveled his message losing in a big way.  His body language and his constant sniffles showed that he was visibly uncomfortable because he realized that he was losing against Hillary.  He also kept drinking water every few minutes.   Obviously his throat started to dry up.  This usually happens when a person gets scared or nervous.  Of course, in typical Trump fashion he claimed that he won the debate, contrary to what the viewers believed and what some straw polls, taken immediately after the debate, showed.  If Trump had a wooden nose like Pinocchio had it would stretch from New York to California.
Hillary got Donald really upset and made him very uncomfortable when she posed the question and supplied the answer at the same time why the Don would not release his tax returns.  She suggested something I myself have suggested in the past, namely that he probably did not pay any federal taxes at all, which he considered to be smart.
Personally, I find this offensive.  He is living off the taxes, we the little guys have to pay.  He claimed he did not like the government, yet he is profiting from the very government that gave him the opportunity to become wealthy.  He is mocking the hand which is feeding him.
I was really proud of Hillary.  She exposed him for what he really is, what the last republican candidate, the former governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney called "a phony and a fraud."
I used to have dark hair but when it looked like Hillary might lose the contest it turned white.  This morning, when I looked in the mirror, I saw it turning dark again.  My worries are over!
Kelley Anne Conway, his third and current campaign manager, better get paid off in full now, in the next couple of weeks, before she too gets stiffed by Donald!
P.T. Barnum once said "there is a sucker born every minute".  Trump' supporters still believe that he will rescue America and "make America great again".  Little do they realize that Donald is in this race for himself and no one else!  He wants to become President because he faces $650 million debt for his businesses and several potential lawsuits which could possibly put him in jail.  He has used $10 million dollars of campaign contributions to pay off some legal bills.  This, of course, is illegal and could possibly land him in jail.  Perhaps he believes that the Senate and the House of Representatives will again be in the majority and therefore will block any impeachment effort.  Of course he will always deny those allegations as he constantly does when confronted by the media about some irregularity.  He spins the allegations around by claiming that this is a good and smart business strategy.
Michael Bloomberg, the former independent mayor of New York said it best at the Democratic National Convention when he said "I am from New York.  And I know a con man when I see one!"
If Trump ever becomes president, it will be the darkest day in American History, because he will destroy the country and blame everybody else, except himself.  He has all the characteristics of a dictator.

Stay tuned.
Red beans and ricely yours.


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