Monday, October 31, 2016


By Effey

I make no bones about it.  I am scared stiff of a President Trump, because having studied the signals which let us know who will turn into a dictator, I see Trump as the perfect candidate to become a Fascist Dictator.  And don't think it can not happen in America.  That was how Germans felt about their government and in the end Hitler destroyed all the Checks and Balances which the German Government did have.
I am not claiming, that Hillary Clinton is perfect, either.  Nobody is perfect.  But she has made one mistake which haunts her.  In hindsight she has fessed up to it and even apologized in a sincere genuine manner for the mistake.  Trump makes mistakes' every day and spouts lies every day sometimes as many as 37 lies in one speech. 
Dictators tell the people what they want to hear.  They make promises which they can not deliver.  In the end they destroy their countries.  Look at Hitler, Mussolini and Hugo Chavez, to name just a few.
And as much as James Comey of the FBI is known to be a man of integrity, even his former boss, US Attorney General Eric Holder, whom I also consider to be a man of integrity, has said that Mr. Comey has exceeded his authority, trying to protect himself.  You simply do not make a statement such as he made on Friday, eleven days before a General Presidential Election, simply because it could sway the end results of the election!
All this being said, I hope and pray, that we do not wind up with a President Donald Trump, but rather with Hillary.  Mistakes or not, she is still the best qualified candidate for the job.  She will not have an easy task, because the deck is stacked against her as it was against the most brilliant president this country ever had in modern times!

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Red beans and Ricely yours,


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