Wednesday, November 2, 2016


By Effey

Call this blog "Apocalypse Now, Part II", if you will. 
Yesterday, Pinocchio thanked Anthony Weiner, for drawing the FBI's attention to himself and in tandem to Hillary Clinton.  I wonder who is the bigger pervert, Anthony Weiner or Pinocchio?  I guess "Birds of a feather flock together."  (William Turner [1545]). 
Actually, I think that Weiner is less dangerous and even more honorable than Pinocchio.  Pinocchio has stiffed thousands of workers and shafted hundreds of contractors.  At least Weiner hasn't hurt anybody, except his wife Huma Abidin!
But guess what!  "When the going gets though the tough get going".  (Knute Rockne, [1888–1931]).  Even Pinocchio had to admit that much about Hillary Clinton at the end of the second Presidential Debate.  He almost broke his jaw when he made that admission!
And even though Pinocchio is trying to make a big thing out of the e-mail challenge which Hillary got herself into, she is still ahead in the polls and will trounce Pinocchio on November 8, in the election.  She has been through all kinds of stuff before.  People are jealous of her, how smart she is and how much she has already accomplished in her life-time.  Did you know that before there was Obama Care there was Hillary Care?!  Except, when the Republicans found out that Billy assigned her the job to try to create a healthcare program for children, the Republicans dirtied their pants and made her stop!  (The dry cleaners refused to work on their pants!  That's how much they dirtied their pants!)  That is how much the Republicans care about children!
I am sure that when she becomes President one of her first priorities will be to appoint a commission to see what can be done to tweak Obama Care where it needs to be tweaked.
You see, Pinocchio just rants, raves and screams but Hillary has taken the time to speak to people, when they voice their frustrations.  I think she will do what Trump wishes in his wet dreams that he could do, namely "Make America Great Again!"
We all live in a drastically changed world!  It is time for the Republicans to realize that! 
The 1950's are a thing of the past.  Life will never be the same again, as it was then.  Thank G'd for that!!! 
Do we want to go back to segregation again?  Do we want the uncertainty of living with the fear of an atomic bomb?  Do we want typewriters again, instead of laptops?  Do we want the old mimeograph machines again or do you prefer the Xerox copying machines?  Do we want medical science to take a step back again to a time when we could not fight Polio or Tuberculosis?  Do we want to go back to a time when not all Americans were allowed to vote?  No, we have made a lot of progress.  Not enough, as far as I am concerned, but at least we have made progress!  We now know that we have done damage to our planet and to ourselves.  Thank you, Al Gore!
There are still people who like the old fashioned values!  But time marches on and they will be left behind in the dust.
We know now for sure that trickle down economics doesn't work.  Of course some people still dream that their old jobs will come back!  They refuse to accept reality and to change their careers, as if all these outdated jobs and industries will have a second life!  Wake up, America!
We lost jobs because we are no longer competitive in the global market place.  In the global market place our wages are too high.  In America, though they are too low.  But there is new, other work available.  There are new industries popping up on the horizon!  We need to prepare for them.
Now let me ask you a question.  What is an e-mail server?  Do you really know what it is?  What is the difference between your personal computer and an e-mail server?
Back in 2006 most people did not know the answer and I bet you that even now most people don't really know what it is. 
But all these investigations are made in hindsight with 20/20 vision.  We do not learn from what we know, we learn from our mistakes! 
Everybody makes mistakes.  Look at FBI Director James Comey, whom I respect immensely.  But even he overreached his authority with his recent disclosure about further investigating Hillary.  One hundred former Department of Justice prosecutors from both parties have come forward to claim that the FBI does not disclose if somebody is under investigation until the investigation is complete. (The FBI is part of the Department of Justice!)  These prosecutors are the ones who say that Comey made a huge mistake.  So why then don't the Republicans ever stop with their investigations?  If they want to investigate, let them investigate why the hackers have not hacked into the R.N.C.'s computers or looked into Pinocchio's' e-mails about his taxes?! One of Pinocchio's advisers, Roger Stone, is in cahoots with the hackers!  He admitted it himself on TV. 
And who really knows Pinocchio's relationship to Vladimir Putin? And do we really want a sexual predator in the White House?  At least Bill Clinton did not denigrate women and did not force himself onto them.  Monica L. pursued him not the other way around!  (She was a groupie!)  That means that their "sexual contact" was consensual.
In life there are Red Bloods and there are Blue Bloods.  Besides the difference in color, what is their difference?  Answer?  The Red Bloods complain about what the Blue Bloods are doing.  The Red Bloods are afraid to go out on the limb.  They look for others to rescue them.  Yet, the Blue Bloods are the movers and shakers of the world!!!  Hillary is a Blue Blood.
So, despite it all, it still looks like Hillary may be our next President.  And already the Republicans are plotting how to undermine her presidency.  They have created havoc for President Obama and the American People. 
Now Ted Cruz is telling the Republicans that they don't have to pass any recommended candidate to fill the 9th chair on the Supreme Court.  Ted Cruz should be tried for treason as Public Enemy No. 1.  He should be hung upside down by his testicles from the highest tree top we can find.  Doesn't he realize the damage he has already done when he shut down the government?  This is a self described Fiscal Conservative.  His actions in 2013 cost the American Tax Payers 24 Billion Dollars.  Is this Fiscal Conservatism?
And look at New Jersey Governor Christie, of Bridge Gate fame and one of the chief advisers to Pinocchio!  The Republicans claim that the Democrats like to raise taxes.  Governor Christie has just raised the gasoline tax in his state of New Jersey by 23 cent per gallon.  Under his leadership the cost of gasoline in New Jersey has gone from the third lowest to the sixth highest in the country!  Is that the Republican way!  Is that the Republican way of lowering taxes? 
The Republicans deserve to lose!
Stay tuned.
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Red Beans and Ricely Yours.

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