Monday, November 7, 2016


By Effey
On Sunday, November 6, 2016, James Comey, the Director of the FBI, announced that the FBI had concluded their investigation of Hillary Clinton's e-mails, and although the FBI had found Hillary's handling of her classified e-mails, careless and reckless, the FBI concluded that none of these mistakes were made with malicious intent.  The "intent" is critical!  In other words it was made by mistake and nobody is perfect, not even Pinocchio!
So what does Pinocchio have to say now?
What has always amazed me about Pinocchio is that he tries to deflect from his mistakes by only talking about his opponents.
He is like all dictators.  Trust me.  I will solve all your problems.  The hell he will!
The Office of the Inspector General has looked at what both candidates proposed to do to fix our problems.  With Hillary's Tax Plan the country would add $200 Billion to our deficit.  With Pinocchio's Tax Plan it would add 3 Trillion to our deficit!
Pinocchio's Tax Plan puts less money in your pockets and more money into the pockets of the wealthy!  Billions!
It is my gut feeling that Hillary, in the end, will trounce him in the election.  That is what he deserves!
He has alienated millions of people by insulting them.  On Election Day he will get his payback!
Stay tuned and forward this e-mail to your friends.
Red Beans and Ricely Yours
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