Friday, November 4, 2016


By Effey

Hillary is trying to build on the accomplishments of President Barack Obama and honor his legacy.  I am with her!
What does Pinocchio have to offer?  Zilch!  Just creating mayhem in the elections like a Banana Republic does.

1.  Provided Healthcare for over 20 million people, who could not afford Healthcare Insurance.
2.  Reformed Wall Street, protecting the little guys!
3.  Got us out of Iraq.  This is what people clamored for in 2008 and 2012.
4.  Found and got Osama Bin Laden.  Remember him?!
5.  Saved the auto Industry.
6.  Stimulus package for the banks.
7.  Lowered the unemployment rate from 8% to 4.9%.
8.  Started to empty out Guantanamo Bay.
9.  Re-opened diplomatic relations with Cuba, which in the long run will greatly benefit American Enterprises.
10. Increased support for Veterans.
11.  Made deal with Iran to stop Nuclear Proliferation.  Had he not done so, Iran was ready to stop negotiations and continue to develop the Nuclear bomb!!!
12.  Signed a Credit Card Responsibility Disclosure Act.
13. Created the HARP Act to help people in Foreclosure.
14.  Improved America's Image Overseas.
15.  Made China closed down its dirtiest Power Plants.
16.  Eliminated Catch 22 to give women the right to sue for equal pay.
17. Improved Food Safety System.
18. Signed new START Treaty with Russia.
19. Expanded wilderness and watershed protection.
20.  Gave FDA power to regulate Tobacco.
21.  Pushed Federal Agencies to be Green Leaders.
22.  He trimmed and re-oriented our Missile Defense System.
23. He invested heavily into renewable energy technology.
24. Improved School Nutrition Programs.
25. Expanded Stem Cell Research.
26  Made America oil independent
All of the above, plus!  Over 50 different accomplishments, despite a Republican Congress which was constantly trying to undermine him.  Think of what else he could have accomplished had Congress worked with him!

1.  Inherited $14 from his father, plus his credit and connections.
2.  Built 3 casinos and bankrupted them, destroying Atlantic City's economy.
3.  Stiffed his employees.
4.  Shafted tons of contractors.
5.  Filed personal bankruptcy yet owns Mara Lago.
6.  Has stiffed his government in paying Federal Income taxes for over 20 years.
7.  Has had 4,095 lawsuits in 30 years!
8.  Groped and denigrated women.
9.  Discriminated against people of color.
10.  Has divided our country.
11.  Has given voice to White Supremacists.
12.  Has accused our President of not being a US born Citizen and perpetuated this lie for over 5 years.
13.  Keeps promising his constituents things which he can not deliver.
14.  Thinks he knows more about war than the generals.
15.  Is in bed with Vladimir Putin.
16.  Is responsible for the hacking of the DNC.
17.  Told our eternal enemy to find Hillary's E-mails, thereby inviting them into our elections.
18.  Hires undocumented workers.
19.  Has a wife who is a nude model.
20.  In New York, he has driven up the already high cost of Real Estate, making it impossible for the Average person to live there.
21.  He threatened a revolution if he loses the election.
22.  Threatened to jail his opponent if he wins the election, just like Banana Republic dictators.

A Vote for Trump is a Vote for Anarchy.

Stay Tuned.
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Red Beans and Ricely Yours.


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