Friday, November 11, 2016

The Fox Guarding the Chicken Coup

By Effey

America voted and the minority won.  "Only in America" can something like this happen!  This is absolutely disgusting!!!
In every major organization where decisions need to be made by more than one person, the decisions are always based on the vote of the majority.  Of course there are also kangaroo votes, votes which are stacked by some vested party
Hillary, like Al Gore in the Presidential Election of 2000, won the popular vote.  And all along the American voters are told that their voice counts!  Yet it is the Electoral College, not the majority voters which decides who won the election.  Mind you the Electoral College was written into the Constitution, but when several problems with the Electoral vote caused major problems Congress made an amendment to the Constitution and gave voice to the majority.  What has happened in between?  There have been several amendments made to the constitution, why has this anomaly not been changed?  The answer is quite simple.  Because it has always benefited the Republican Party!!
So, in a sense Pinocchio was right; the elections are rigged!  Except he thought it was favoring the Democrats.  It is high time that Congress gets rid of the Electoral College altogether and only uses the college when both parties win the exact same number of votes and there is no other decisive factor.  But leave it to the Republican Party to complicate things as long as it favors them!!!
So, the chances of this anomaly being changed are nada, zilch.  Until the Democrats have the majority of both houses again nothing will change, unless there are massive protests, violent ones, which will become costly to the Republican Party.  But that will only happen when the moon and sun meet on planet Jupiter!
The Electoral College has been changed several times since the Constitution was written, because it had created unusual circumstances which achieved the exact opposite of what the Federalists had intended when they wrote the Constitution.  Throughout the last two centuries we have had at least 5 elections which created problems.  You can look it up for yourself!
We were tricked and yes Pinocchio was right!  The system is rigged!  But it is not rigged in the manner in which he was trying to convince us.  It is rigged by the Republican Party which gerrymandered different voting districts to keep African Americans from voting.  There was also voter suppression reported to the Justice Department on November 8, the day of the election. 
As you can tell, I am not too thrilled about the outcome of the election.  If the Election had been fair and square I could have accepted the outcome.  But not how this election was rigged and handled!
And we have the audacity to talk about other countries having rigged elections?!  Give me a break!  
No, I will not be gracious in defeat! 
I believe that the Electoral College, even though mandated by the Constitution, is a travesty of justice!  This process of deciding the winner of an election needs to be eliminated and replaced by an amendment that gives the people the real power to decide who should be the people's new president, not just look like it is a fair system, because it isn't!
Throughout our history the Electoral College has been amended and changed, but it was always in favor of the Republican Party.
So now we have one of the biggest crooks in America, and also the biggest liar and cheat of them all, who has cheated the American people by not paying millions of dollars in Federal Income Taxes.  The taxes we pay are used for our military, for our infrastructures and generally for running our government.  
And supposedly this crook will lead our country and make it great again!  First of all, our country is great.  It was founded by immigrants.  And it was the immigrants who made this country great by their contributions to this country!  And this president wants to stop immigrants from entering this country and bring well needed changes to this country!!!  Do you think that he will send his wife back to where she came from because she too is an immigrant!  I doubt it.  Is he for real???  Most of the changes the previous immigrants have brought to this country have only helped make this country what it is-today, great!
What we really need to do is to make sure that the candidate is not a misogynist and has not been sued over 4000 times while a private citizen. 
We need to bar candidates who talk over each other in debates.  We should spray them with a water pistol, if they do so and turn off the microphones at the same time! 
And we must make sure that the candidates speak the truth, not lies, like Pinocchio did all along during the campaign.  He called Hillary crooked when in fact it was he who was crooked!  History has shown that when dictators have problems, they reflect the people's attention by blaming others for their own problems.
Frankly, I think we will now have even more problems than we already had, when the Republican's refused to work with President Obama.
We also need to find a way of bringing legal action against a party which refuses to vet a proposed Supreme Court Justice!
Just look at the money to be spent while the taxes for the very rich are to be lowered!  Where will all the money come from if we lower our sources of revenue?
The Inspector General's Office, before the election, calculated what it would cost to implement the plans put forward by the candidates.
If Hillary would have won it would have cost us 200 Billion Dollars!
But if Pinocchio would win it estimated it would cost the American Taxpayer 3 Trillion Dollars!
And worst of all, Pinocchio will benefit from the tax cuts more than anyone else!  The Russians must love what they are seeing and hearing.
Already thousands of people are protesting in the streets in ten major cities.
We are in doody, big doody!

Stay tuned and forward this blog to your like minded friends.
Red Beans and Ricely yours.


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