Wednesday, November 23, 2016

U.S.A. (1776-2016) R.I.P.

By Effey

The headline for this blog is taken from the latest headline of the New York based "Village Voice" weekly newspaper.  The message could not have been any clearer and/or more appropriate!  The values for which we fought for decades will go down the drain with the current President Elect, unless we make our voices clearly and loudly heard through massive organized protests and letter writing.  Listed below you will find all the important names and the address for all of the people who have his ear. Bombard them with your letters and complaints. I suggest you do not use your return address on the letter, so that the recipients have to open the letters.
Donald Trump has become the President Elect by lying, lying and lying again as well as by dividing the country and making up all kinds of stories (which we do not need to repeat again.  You already have your own archive of his lies!).  I still wonder how come the DNC got hacked but, not the RNC?  Did he have anything to do with this?  I suspect that he did have his hand in this, too, but that he won't admit it!
Since Donald Trump has not released his tax returns we have to assume that he has failed to pay his share of the Federal Income Taxes.  No wonder our infrastructure is crumbling!  No wonder we had to shrink our military capacity!  No wonder we have an exorbitantly high budget deficit.  No wonder we could not afford to maintain a decent level of security at our Benghazi Embassy!  Federal Income Taxes are the revenue which pay for our infrastructure which we enjoy; keeps us safe, and of course our armed forces, their equipment and weaponry. The Republicans being in the pockets of the billionaires refuse to create a simple tax code which would make everybody pay their fair share of taxes and eliminates all the loopholes in the tax code.
The pundits tell us to give our President Elect a chance to put together a decent cabinet.  Are they nuts?
When you have a small fire in your house, do you say "Wait a minute.  Let's first see if the fire will spread!"  Or do you do whatever is necessary to douse the flame?
No wonder Hillary lost the election.  The pundits and the pollsters had it all wrong.  Actually nobody who would have been a half way decent candidate could have won against Pinocchio!  Not Bernie Sanders.  Not Barack Obama.  Not Joe Biden.  Not even Mitt Romney, had he been a Democrat!  Why?  Because he kept on lying and, even worse.  He told the people what they wanted to hear, not what was a feasible or a realistic vision or policy.
This last statement is what dictators throughout history have done.  And this is what snake oil salesmen do when they try to sell you snake oil which will cure all your ills and make you a millionaire in two weeks if you use the oil daily as prescribed!  Will Pinocchio deliver on his promises?  Dictators, in the beginning of their reign usually do deliver on their promises.  But they never have the money to pay for their kept promises!  This was one of the many reasons Hitler wanted the German Jews out of Germany, so that he could steal their money to pay for the projects he did build, like the Autobahn and do rocket research to eventually bomb London, etc.!!! 
The time to stop the President Elect from keeping Steve Bannon in his cabinet is now, while there still is time for Pinocchio to ditch Bannon. 
Case in point:  Billy Kristol is the editor of the neoconservative magazine "The Weekly Standard".  He is also Jewish!  So, what does Bannon have to say about Kristol?  "A Renegade Jew". 
Didn't Pinocchio at one of his rallies announce that Ivanka, his daughter, has converted to Judaism when she married Jared Kushner?  And didn't he tell all those Southern Crackers and Red Necks, who make up the majority of his audiences, that his grand children are also Jewish?  Doesn't he care about them, either?
Don't just rely on the Anti Defamation League or the NAACP to fight for you.  Write letters to Ivanka Kushner at the Trump Organization at the Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in New York City.  Flood their mail boxes!  If we all do so they will get the message and whisper into Pinocchio's ears.  Don't leave things up to fate.  Get involved.
And this other joker, General Flynn!  He believes that we should bomb the hell out of Isis and turn their territory into a Parking Lot.  He is still using old tactics which worked when you were dealing with legitimate, conventional armies.  ISIS is a bunch of guerillas.  WE need a new, different approach in guerilla warfare.  I also believe in defeating Isis, but the victory has to be a reasonable civilized and humane victory, without a lot of collateral damage of civilians. Not a scorched earth strategy!  We already had 1600 bombing sorties which has cost us billions of dollars.  How much more do we want to inflate our Deficit?  And the repairs of our infrastructure and the building of the wall which we will wind up paying for, not Mexico, as he keeps on wishing.  Mexico will become our enemy, not our friend and ally!  Unless you want another six million people out of work, keep on antagonizing Mexico.  It takes six million Americans every year to produce the goods we are selling to Mexico!
And abrogating the Iran deal!  Iran will just walk away from the table as it has done in the past, before we managed to get them to them to agree to our deal.  Face the unpleasant fact that Iran is in the driver's seat.  Iran does not need to agree to anything!  They can just further develop the nuclear bomb.  They already had completed 80% of their development.  What will a completed Nuclear Bomb do for us?  Will we be safer than we are now?  I seriously doubt it!  And how will it encourage others to do the same?
Give me a break!

Have a happy Turkey.  Although we should not give thanks for having this President Elect!
Stay tuned and forward this blog to your like minded friends.
Red beans and Ricely yours.

PS:  Here are the addresses for the people who have Pinocchio's ear.

The Trump Organization
725 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10022

Mr. Donald Trump, Jr.

Mrs. Ivanka Trump-Kushner

Mr. Eric Trump

Mr. Jared Kushner

Mrs. Melania Trump

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