Friday, November 18, 2016


BY Effey

Pinocchio's father, Fred Trump, was together with Samual Lefrak one of the early developers of low and middle income housing in New York City.
Neither he, his father, and even his grandfather have a clean record.
Fred Trump was implicated in several Federal Investigations, including having been arrested at a KKK meeting.  Donald claims that his father was protesting the rally although it was reported that Fred was a part of it.  
Both his father and Pinocchio operate on a very common and simple system, called OPM - "Other People's Money".  It is a system very commonly used in Real Estate as well as in other big financial projects.
The problem though is that Pinocchio never gives the investor's a chance to make a nice profit from the project.  Pinocchio does not subscribe to this philosophy.  He tries to make money for himself first and then files for bankruptcy.  He really does not care whom he stiffs in the process, as long as he gets what he wants.
He also has a keen sense of what people want to hear, because all along in his life he has operated like a snake oil salesman, promising them everything they want to hear but delivering nothing!
During his campaign he heard the people and like most demagogues promised to fix their problems, whether the problems can be fixed or not, as long as his followers adore, glorify and believe in him.
Case in point:  The coal miners.  Because of clean renewable energy and better, more efficient methods of coal extraction and cheaper ways of providing fuel to the mass markets, the coal industry has been imploding for the last 40 years.  It is more or less a thing of the past. 
The problem is that nobody had the courage to inform the coal miners of this reality!  And what is even more important, nobody offered them the advice to change their "careers", as if they ever really had one!
But Pinocchio promised them what they wanted to hear, that he will bring back the coal Industry.  He does not adhere to the concept of climate change.  What does he care?  He is willing to tear down every agreement the United States made with other countries to preserve our planet and people's health, no matter what the price, as long as people believe him to be the new Christ, their Savior!
Folks, don't adhere to the principle of "Let's give him a chance"!  Some of the things he proposed are dangerous for the rest of the country.  Stop him with a loud outcry of "NO" before the genie gets out of the bottle and we can't put it back into the bottle.  All the progress we have made over the last 70 years, all of our achievements will be going down the drain and in the end we will be the ones left, holding the bag.
Stay tuned and forward this blog to your like minded friends.
Red beans and Ricely yours;


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