Thursday, December 1, 2016


By Effey

You know?  It is really disgusting!  We go around telling the rest of the world what a wonderful system of Democracy we have.  Look at us!  This system has served us well for 240 years! 
We had one of the craziest and I believe most dishonest elections ever, this year.  Hillary Clinton got almost 3 million more votes than Pinocchio, yet Pinocchio was declared the winner. 
Did he win the election fair and square?  I don't believe he did and neither do millions of other people.  For one thing, how come only the Democratic National Convention was hacked by (probably) the Russians, yet the Republican National Convention was left untouched?  And who hacked the Wicki Leaks?  Julian Assange?  Hacking into a computer system on such a large scale is not a job that can be done by one or even ten individuals together!  Assange was holed up alone in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.  Besides, there were so many documents, that one person alone could not have completed all the work necessary in such a short time!
We also have heard that Pinocchio is kind of chummy with Vladimir Putin!  Wonder what that means?
Now Pinocchio is interviewing all kinds of candidates for Secretary of State.  In my humble opinion, the only one capable of doing an excellent job as Secretary of State would be, believe it or not, Mitt Romney!  Not Gen. Petreaus, not Rudy Guiliani, or Senator Bob Corker.  Each one of them in my opinion would be a poor choice.
But much more important is his conflict of interests.  The New York Times showed that he has business connections in 25 countries, not so much as an individual owner, but as a brand name for other overseas ventures.
And, under no circumstances should his children be allowed to be in charge of his Blind Trust.
But here is the most galling part.  The taxpayers have to pay for his protection as the President.  But the guy has never paid a dime in Federal Income taxes!  Now he is freeloading from us, the taxpayers.  Such an ironic twist can only happen in America!
If you don't pay your income taxes, the IRS comes after you and penalizes you!  But Pinocchio is given all kinds of tax breaks because he is rich and therefore never pays a dime of Federal Income taxes!   And he called Hillary crooked!!
But he was right about one thing, that the system is rigged.  Except he thought it was rigged against him.  He didn't know that the Republicans have been rigging the system all along in their favor through voter suppression and redistricting!
Following is a section of a report in the Atlantic Monthly of November 8, 2016, reported by Chris Keane/Reuters;
What Early Voting in North Carolina Actually Reveals
Some counties succeeded in suppressing voter turnout—but there’s much more to the story.
North Carolina has been conducting a real-time experiment on the efficacy of voter suppression—and the results suggest both that it works, and that it’s far from the only factor at play in the state.
“Voter suppression” has become a watchword in the state after a multi-year fight against the 2013 HB 589 voter law, a law championed by Republicans that reduced the early-voting period for elections by seven days, ended same-day voter registration, and established strict voter ID requirements. Those provisions—which have been demonstrated to affect minority communities most—were struck down by the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals this summer for naked discrimination. But data from North Carolina’s State Board of Elections on the early-voting period indicate that continued efforts by Republicans at the county levels are having real effects on the election.
You can check the entire article by going to
Check it out for yourself.
Just look up in Google: Voter Suppression and also Redistricting.  Make sure you are sitting down while reading all te articles you will find there.
In God We Trust!

Stay tuned and forward this article to like minded friends.
By Effey

Red Beans and Ricely yours!


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