Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Welcome To A "Bright Future" (????)
By Effey
First of all, regardless of your religious affiliation I wish you greetings for the season.
The long outdated Electoral College has voted and given its imprimatur.  So now Pinocchio is officially our President Elect. 
Never before in the history of this country has a misogamist, a tax dodger, a thief and a liar been the president of this great country.  Shame on us!
What happens if someone dodges paying federal income taxes? How can the IRS enforce the law when the highest officer of the country dodges paying his federal income tax.
How will congress deal with him? Will they let him get away with it? Or do they impeach him?
At the time of this writing (12/20/2016 – 9 p.m.) the stock market’s Dow Jones Index is 20 points short of going over the top (20,000).  In the eyes of the FED our economy is doing better than ever.  This is a fata morgana (mirage), an illusion that the economy is doing well.  So it is time to raise the interest rates to keep inflation in check.  The prices for commodities will rise, but not the people’s salaries.  The millionaires are doing well, but not the Lower Middle Class.  The Lower Middle Class will once again get squeezed while the folks on the top, the very rich will get richer!  So what else is new?!
It reminds me very much of Germany after World War I.  The majority of artisans lost their jobs, the currency became hyper inflated to a point never seen before and a populist leader came along and promised the folks to cure all their problems.  Hitler (Trump) and Putin (Mussolini) became allies and in the end Hitler and Mussolini eventually destroyed their respective country.
Great prospects ahead for us all!
Our new President has tentacles all over the world but refuses to divest himself of his holdings.  He will not even put his assets into a Blind Trust as is Standard Operating Procedure for a President.  There are tons of conflicts of interest but I bet that his cronies, the Republicans in Congress will create new laws, which will let him get away with his shenanigans!  When Hitler and Mussolini ruled their respective countries all the politicians also got in lock step!  It's amazing how history repeats itself with different players!
The congress wouldn’t work with Barak Obama, a man of the highest integrity, but they will bend over backwards for this liar, thief and crook!
Welcome to the Biggest Show on Earth!
Here is a suggestion.  Let's create a grass root movement which will demand that the members of Congress get paid only minimum wage and by the hour. And give up all their perks including insurance. (put them on Obama Care) Why not?  Let them experience what the little guys suffer.  They haven’t really done very much to help the people they serve.  They have done everything they could to undermine the President.  We could be in a lot better shape than we are, had they done their duty to us, The People. 
Did you know that at one time it was a great honor to be elected to a government office without getting a salary?
Now our elected officials will line up in lockstep and destroy many of the regulations which have been put in place by previous administrations to protect our environment for the benefit of our children and grandchildren.  These laws and regulations had been put in place because previous conditions were doing damage to the environment and the society.  When politicians come along and claim that government is too big, they mean to say that they want to go back to the days of the Wild West.  You don’t like something or somebody, shoot them.  Boy!  Are we in trouble!
On Taxes, Pinocchio wants to lower the taxes for the Middle Class.  The Upper Classes will automatically benefit because their rates of taxation will also go down.  So if we lower the taxes, instead of closing most of the loopholes for the Upper Class, then how will we be able to pay for our infrastructure projects?  Gimme a break!
One thing I will say.  I agree with Pinocchio when he announced that we should increase our arsenal of Nuclear weapons.  I doubt that we have the money to do so, but at least it sends a message to Korea and to Vladimir!
I love Israel, but I do believe that the settlements are a huge mistake.  I have said this ever since James Baker, President Herbert Bush's Secretary of State, whenever he came back from Israel complained about the Israelis using American money and support to build those settlements.  I do not believe that the Palestinians are a bunch of angels, or even that they have the right to the West Bank.  But there will never be a peace between Israel and the Palestinians.  Both are radicals and neither will give in.  But unless there is a compromise both sides will lose a lot of young people in battles for the next thousand years.
I also believe that it is wrong under these conditions to move our Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.  It will be another Benghazi!
Stay tuned and forward this blog to like minded friends.

Red Beans and Ricely Yours

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