Thursday, August 17, 2017

Trump President Or Dictator? Continued

Trump President Or Dictator? Continued
How often do you hear that the FBI raids somebody’s office? It doesn’t happen very often. Lawyers have a saying that when somebody winds up in court, that person has dirt on them. During Trumps campaign for President, when Donald Trump hired Paul Mueller all of a sudden Donald Trump gained legitimacy When Paul Mueller started to rack up delegates to the convention at a breath taking speed. At the time I was wondering and how Paul Mueller could get all these delegates in such a short time when he was the campaign manager for Donald Trump? Frankly, I marveled at the man for what he was accomplishing. But when none other than the FBI conducts a raid in the morning at somebody’s offices they must be smelling a rat. Frankly speaking we know that Donald Trump, putting it mildly is a rat himself. If the FBI is has found reason to believe that there is a rat somewhere. You don’t order the FBI to conduct raids for no reason.
Stay tuned for more fun coming your way soon
North Korea vs. the United States
Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t it Donald Trump that complained that we telegraph all our moves to our enemies?! Just like he reversed himself on many points he is now reversing himself by telling North Korea’s Prime Minister what we will do in a military confrontation. For the last two days he has been tweeting to North Korea how he will act in the case of other threats. The North Koreans must be laughing themselves sick.
          But more importantly he needs to take a step back. Political leaders who are usually extremely popular with the people sooner or later become dictators. They promise the people everything they want to hear. When the time comes to deliver and they cannot deliver they usually pick a small country and go to war and somebody has to pay for this war. Usually it is a minority that pays’ for it. Let’s hope and pray that I’m wrong.
Stay tuned
Red Beans and Ricely Yours

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Monday, August 7, 2017

By Effey
We now seem to have a President who believes he can do nothing wrong.  Yet none of the things he claimed he could do are happening as he claimed they would.  He wanted to drain the swamp.  Instead he has presented a new kind of swamp to the American People!  His kind of swamp which is worse than the swamp of Washington ever was!
He also wanted to build the wall and Mexico to pay for it. As of today Congress has approved 1.6 Billion Dollars toward the building of this wall.  So who is really paying for it?  You and me the American tax payer.  If we build the wall to keep out illegal Mexicans from entering the US to making a better life for themselves then what happens to the Statue of Liberty which says “Give me your tired, your poor, your wretched masses yearning to be free…”. Do we now have to take down the Statue of Liberty because we no longer are willing to give those poor people a chance towards an opportunity to improve their life.  If we want to make the illegal immigrants legal then all we have to do is establish more American Consulates near the border on the Mexican side and make it easier to enter our country.  Even though they may be poor you would or could never know in advance if there is a potential Albert Einstein among them.  
Everybody got duped by this slick snake oil salesman who is now running the country!  
How will those folks who need cheap labor react when they can no longer get this kind of labor, for example farmers, restaurants, diners, home aids, nannies, house cleaners, maids and contractors.  Prepare yourself for steep cost increases for food, including frozen foods from vendors, factories and supermarkets.
President Trump recently went to Long Island to support legislation against the M13 Gang/Cartel.  In the process he spoke to thousands of law enforcement officers, praising ICE for the great job they are doing on deporting illegal immigrants from the United States, while also hinting to the police that it is okay to use excessive force.
Look at the Affordable Healthcare Act (#Obama Care), which offered for the first time in their life 20 million people who never could afford healthcare an affordable option!  Wasn’t it Trump who claimed that he had something better to offer than Obama Care and it would “really be nice”?    Have you seen it yet? Neither have I!
 He couldn’t just tweak Obama Care where it needed adjustments.  No he had to do it all over again!
Although Affirmative Action was enacted by President Lyndon Johnson, Trump is now trying to destroy it.
Everything other Presidents did to make America a better nation, President Trump is seeking to destroy.  This includes Climate change policies, environmental protection and many other programs.
The President himself does not accept responsibility for anything that goes wrong, but always blames others.  However, he takes credit for the accomplishments of his predecessor.  Is that a true leader or what? 
He duped some people and we are now stuck with him and his immediate advisors, who are under investigation by the special prosecutor, Bob Mueller.  Was this the swamp he was talking about when he offered to drain the swamp?
The President has now been in office for seven months but his only accomplishment is generating hate, scandal and distrust.
He has alienated all our allies and lowered our image throughout the world.
Remember when I referred to him as a snake-oil salesman?  Remember also how I called him a big liar-Pinocchio?
New York City’s former mayor and the founder of Bloomberg News and is a true Multi Billionaire who pays his taxes, Michael Bloomberg at the Democratic National Convention said “I know a phony when I see one!”  Boy!  Was he right!!”
First Trump told us how great Sean Pence was and how wonderful he would be in his role as Storm trooper.  Now he probably forced him to resign.
In the Russian Investigation Attorney General Jeff Sessions did what he was supposed to do, by recuing himself.   So it seems that the President is looking to fire him because the heat of the burning fire from the Special Prosecutors investigation is becoming somewhat uncomfortable for our President. As Shakespeare’s Hamlet would say “me thinks there is something foul in the state of Denmark”. Nobody has really investigated our President, but we know that he has four thousand law suits against him which cannot be prosecuted while he is in office as President. This investigation may lead to other wrong doings, possibility even crimes which he was able to avoid in the pass but may come to the surface now and potentially expose the real Donald Trump.  When will he accept responsibility for himself and when will we get to know the truth about his dealings with the Russians
The President himself does not accept responsibility for anything that goes wrong, but always blames others.  However, he takes credit for the accomplishments of his predecessor.  Is that a true leader or what? 
When a political leader thinks that only he has all the right answers, he is leaning towards dictatorship.
Donald Trump wants to bring back the past, but the past wasn’t all that great.  That is the reason why many new policies and laws were enacted.  To do away with these forms of progress can only open up old wounds.
For example: a lot of people have lost their jobs, not due to the illegal immigrants, but to the fact that it is cheaper to use a robot or to outsource jobs than it is to pay employees.   ???When you look at the total number of people employed today there are more people employed now than, let’s say in 1950. In 1950 there were 125 million people in the United States. Today there are over 350 million people in the United States This number alone shows you that there are more people today than in the 1950’s But the technical and the internet explosion have brought about the decline of many industries. It has also created new industries which require special skills. Many of these special skills workers come from foreign counties and have over stayed their student visas and found ways to become legitimate citizens.
Do we want to go back to the 1950’s?  I doubt that very much.  We might as well go back to World War II and beyond.

Stay tuned
Red Beans and Ricely Yours
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Friday, June 16, 2017

Prescription For Making America Great Again - According To Donald Trump

By Effey
I’ve never seen congress so busy as it is now or as it has been the last week or so. Except that Congress is not doing anything for the people other than the President’s cabinet and entourage. I wonder how much money this is wasting. On the other hand I agree with the investigations and I strongly believe that there is a lot of vodka being consumed at the Kremlin these days.  Vladimir Putin must be jumping up and down because Donald Trump became President and not Hillary Clinton. Why is that so important? Because Putin has time to do whatever damage he can to the west, Because Donald Trump is soft on Russia and has no time to legislate in America and has distance himself from Europe and thus Mr. Putin can successfully interfere in European politics’ without fear of American intervention.
            The sanctions that we have imposed on Russia have very little or no effect on Russia. Russia has the largest oil reserves in the world and supplies the European market through Iraq. So it isn’t Russia that is suffering but the European nations now pay more for a liter of oil than they paid before the sanctions were imposed on Russia.
            I strongly believe that the reason our President is soft on Russia is because he wants to build in Russia and develop Projects in Russia. During the campaign I remember the then private citizen Donald Trump showing a commercial in which he told the viewers that he had just walked away from a deal in Russia because the terms were not favorable enough for him. I believe that Jarred Kushner dealt with the Russian VEB bank on Donald’s behalf while he was President elect in the hope that Donald becomes a private citizen again the Russians will be more favorable to Kushner and Donald will come in and do what he was trying to do during the campaign, establish himself in Russia.
            Notice also, that during the campaign the Russians hacked into the DNC and not into Trumps computers or the RNC. I am sure that because Hillary works for the government her computer was more sophisticated than Donald’s computers. He may be an expert on Twitter but I doubt that he’s very sophisticated in communicating with his contacts by email.
            His speeches are nothing to marvel at either or even the ones that his speech writer, write for him. Compare his speeches to those of Barrack Obama or for that matter George W. Bush. And notice also how Barrack Obama was impeccable as was his staff. Compare Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, to our current Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Notice also how many people connected to the Trump administration are hiring top rated attorneys relating to the Russian connection investigations.
            This is the man that wanted to put Hillary in jail for the mistakes that she made while she was Secretary of State. It was Hillary who started talking to Iran about their nuclear ambitions. It was John Kerry who for two years negotiated the Iran nuclear deal. How would you have felt had he not succeeded in his negotiations and Iran would now be eight months farther in developing a nuclear bomb?
            Our empathy goes out to the victims of the shooting In Arlington Virginia.

Stay tuned

Red Beans and Ricely Yours
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Wednesday, June 7, 2017

We May Face A Dilemma?
By Effey
This blog is being written one day before the Comey Hearings take place in Congress. In the court of public justice the President has eroded all his power as President against James Comey the former director of the FBI. The public seems to trust James Comey more than the President. Can the President change the evidence in his favor? Probably not, most likely Comey may strengthen his testimony with more revelations which will damage the President.
            The President has done things which go against the values Americans believes in. His base which voted for him is largely very selfish. They only care about themselves and the present. They don’t care about the future.
When our President stupidly negated staying in the climate change agreement, his base cheered. They didn’t see what their selfishness will do to us all, them included. The climate as it is now is and will be doing more damage to us. We have already seen Katrina and Sandy. Be prepared for many more storms and tornados even worse than Katrina and Sandy.
            In Africa there will be more and worse famines and millions of human beings, who are not white, will die. We will be largely responsible for these conditions, because next to China we are the biggest polluters
 More storms, tornadoes and wild fires in the aggregate will cost us billions of dollars and hurt millions of people, both Americans and Africans.
We hope that from the Hearings tomorrow level headed members of Congress will ask the Congress to impeach our President. So far in four months our President has not done much legislation but has been embroiled in nothing but scandals on a daily basis. This is not how a President should govern. He will go down in history alright, not as the greatest or best, but as the worst President we have ever had.
            If Congress decides to impeach the president, for which I will cheer Congress, we will get Mike Pence as our new President. There is a saying that one should not sweep with a broom when a leader falls because you never know how the new broom will sweep compared to the old broom.
            Mike Pence as a president would be a politician and therefore will have less scandal consuming his time and provide more legislation. But Mike Pence is ultra conservative, which means that he will legislate more and will cut or eliminate programs which will affect millions of the little people. He will go backward in time to the 1930s’ and not forward.
            So were going from the fire into the frying pan, accept that our stakes don’t stick to the frying pan.
Stay tuned

Red Beans and Ricely Yours
For new ways of saving money visit

Friday, June 2, 2017

Trumps First Trip Overseas
Reset Riad-Very Impressive
By Effey
            I was very much impressed by our President’s overseas trip. I was not so much impressed by our President as I was by Saudi’ Arabia foreign Minister Jinbar.
            Jinbar spoke in a impeccable English, fluently, fast and stuck to the topic. He must have been educated in either Oxford or Cambridge University.
            At one time he even called Rex Tillerson by his first name and eluded to him as a friend from the days when Tillerson spent time in Saudi Arabia as the CEO of Exxon Mobile buying oil from the Arabs’. Our new Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson was also brilliant.
            Our President, of course took up much of his speech by referring the deal he had just struck with the Arabs for One Hundred Nine Billion Dollars in military hardware. This deal will of course create a lot of new jobs and probably more assembly plants for the military contractors,, but I doubt that the amount of new jobs will be One Million like the President proclaimed.
            In his speech the President addressed the challenge of Islamic radicals and he advised all communities affected by them just to drive them out. Three times he used drive them out, drive them out, drive them out.
            My God! When will people who live in glass towers realize that the radicals are disappointed young people who live in autocratic communities, where the leaders often are corrupt and there is income inequality (as it is with us now) and no human rights. The young people live from day to day and have no jobs, no job training and very little education, if any at all. Many of the communities need to change their cultures and give these young people a chance at living. Until the leaders of these autocratic communities agree too many of the values we profess in our culture, such as freedom of speech and a fair judicial system we will have radical people
            When the Occupy Wall Street movement took a stand, against the income inequality in our country and the lack of jobs, it was essentially the same reason. However here in the United States we don’t have Sharia Law. And we have the right to speak up against our government, we have freedom of the press which had the right to analyze and express the reasons for the demonstrations. We also have new elections every four years and our government seeks to create new jobs and seeks full employment for our citizens.
            Whenever you have radicalism you have people who disagree with the establishment and its rules of engagement. In our country we have hundreds of colleges and millions of students who at least have the opportunity to improve their lifestyles through serious higher education which is much more than they can do in many of the Autocracies of the middle east.
            Until those Autocracies come out of the middle ages and change their value systems, you will have radical rebels
.To be continued…….
Stay tuned,
Red Beans and Ricely yours, Effey

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Friday, May 12, 2017


 By Effey

It's absolutely not true that he did nothing. He did something.
He came up with a tax plan that eliminates the estate tax. This would benefit anyone whose inheritance is over 15 million dollars. Some economists have looked at this plan in more detail and have decided that his daughter Ivanka could benefit the most, by as much as $49 billion dollars! So far, he has only changed the rules that benefit him and his family, personally.
He has kept his promise to his voters that he would build the Wall and Mexico would pay for it. This was his promise. However, the truth is that the Wall will be paid for by you, the American tax payer.
He has promised to destroy NAFTA. Great! Is he aware of the fact that the United States ships over 10,000 Goods and Products manufactured in the United States to Mexico! Mexico is our biggest customer!
According to the Wall Street Journal of May 1, 2017, “The Trump administration, looking to make its first major imprint on U.S. banking regulators, is preparing to replace Comptroller of the Currency Thomas Curry as chief overseer of federally chartered banks.“ This means that the crooks of Wall Street will have more freedom to fleece the American Citizen and that the banks’ rates for loans will go up again. I thought during his campaign that Trump was looking to help the little guy. Another one of his broken promises!
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Data, the U.S. unemployment rate dropped to 4.5%, the lowest level since May 2007. The credit for these numbers belongs to President Obama. These are only the Eddy Currents of the levers President Obama still pulled in the last six months of his Administration.
This may be a good time to compare the two presidents. President Obama had integrity and he and his staff were impeccable compared to our Führer Donald Trump and his Storm trooper Sean Spicer.
All in all, the American people have been duped by a Snake Oil salesman. They have bought a TV in a box with the parts missing.
President Obama was a politician. President Trump is a mixture of a clown and a street corner Three Card Monty Swindler.
I don’t know anybody who has gotten a job from this blowhard. Announcements of the jobs he “created” in the first and second months of his presidency, were in the pipeline well before President Trump took office. And what about the infrastructure improvements? Another broken campaign promise. I would not call this an administration but The Greatest Show On Earth and Trump is the Ring Master
I very rarely quote other writers, but I could not have said it any better than David Leonhardt, of the NY Times.

The Comey  Controversy
Donald Trump Is Lying Again, Now About James Comey

The president of the United States is lying again.
He is lying about the reason he fired James Comey, the F.B.I. director. Trump claimed that he was doing so because Comey bungled the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email, which meant that Comey was “not able to effectively lead the bureau.”
There is no reason to believe Trump’s version of the facts and many reasons to believe he is lying. How can I be so confident?
First, it’s important to remember just how often Trump lies. Virtually whenever he finds it more convenient to tell a falsehood than to tell a truth, he chooses the falsehood.
An incomplete list of the things he has lied about include: Barack Obama’s birthplace, Obama’s phone “tapp,” John F. Kennedy’s assassinationSept. 11, the Iraq warISISNATO, military veterans, Mexican immigrants, Muslim immigrants, anti-Semitic attacks, the unemployment rate, the murder rate, the Electoral Collegevoter fraud, the size of his inaugural crowd, his health care bill and his own groping of women.
Second, Trump previously praised Comey for reopening the Clinton email investigation, which was the core of Trump’s rationale for the firing, as Igor Volsky noted.
Third, Trump claimed that he was merely following up on a Justice Department recommendation and released a letter from the department to bolster his case. Yet the timing doesn’t make sense — and Trump aides have already undercut their boss, by acknowledging that he wanted to fire Comey.
As Bill Kristol pointed out, the Justice Department letter was dated the same day as the firing, and the official who wrote it has been on the job for just two weeks — not enough time for a serious review that could have reversed Trump’s previous position.
 “So there was no real recommendation from DOJ,” Kristol wrote. “Trump wanted to do it, and they created a paper trail.” Kristol, a conservative, added, “One can be at once a critic of Comey and alarmed by what Trump has done and how he has done it.”
Even more damning, White House sources also admitted on Tuesday night that Trump himself initiated the firing. The White House charged Jeff Sessions, the attorney general, with coming up with a reason to fire Comey, as The Times and others have reported.
Finally, and most obviously, Trump had a very big motive to fire Comey and install a loyalist. Comey was overseeing the investigation into the Trump campaign’s numerous strange ties with the Russian government.
“The firing of James Comey as F.B.I. director is a stunning event,” Benjamin Wittes and Susan Hennessey, two of the sharpest observers of the Russia case, wrote for Lawfare. “It is a profoundly dangerous thing — a move that puts the Trump-Russia investigation in immediate jeopardy and removes from the investigative hierarchy the one senior official whom President Trump did not appoint and one who is known to stand up to power.”
The president is lying about firing a top law enforcement official, and he is almost certainly lying to protect himself and his aides from a full investigation into their own activities.
Brian Schatz, a Democratic senator from Hawaii, wrote on Tuesday night, “We are in a full-fledged constitutional crisis.”
It’s now clear that Trump’s Justice Department has no independence. Both Sessions, and Sessions’s deputy, Rod Rosenstein, are acting like Trump enforcers. And now the F.B.I. is compromised as well.
The only way to unwind the constitutional crisis is an independent inquiry, completely free of Trump’s oversight. Several Republican members of Congress expressed concern about Comey’s firing, but words aren’t enough.
Members of Congress need to give Americans reason to believe the Russia investigation isn’t a charade with a predetermined outcome. They need to make clear that while the president may think he is above the truth, he is not above the law.
he American people — not to mention the credibility of the world’s oldest democracy — require a thorough, impartial investigation into the extent of Russia’s meddling with the 2016 presidential election on behalf of Donald Trump and, crucially, whether high-ranking members of Mr. Trump’s campaign colluded in that effort.
By firing the F.B.I. director, James Comey, late Tuesday afternoon, President Trump has cast grave doubt on the viability of any further investigation into what could be one of the biggest political scandals in the country’s history.
The explanation for this shocking move — that Mr. Comey’s bungling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server violated longstanding Justice Department policy and profoundly damaged public trust in the agency — is impossible to take at face value. Certainly Mr. Comey deserves all the criticism heaped upon him for his repeated misstepsin that case, but just as certainly, that’s not the reason Mr. Trump fired him.
Mr. Trump had nothing but praise for Mr. Comey when, in the final days of the presidential campaign, he informed Congress that the bureau was reopening the investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s emails. “He brought back his reputation,” Mr. Trump said at the time. “It took a lot of guts.”
Of course, if Mr. Trump truly believed, as he said in his letter of dismissal, that Mr. Comey had undermined “public trust and confidence” in the agency, he could just as well have fired him on his first day in office.
Mr. Comey was fired because he was leading an active investigation that could bring down a president. Though compromised by his own poor judgment, Mr. Comey’s agency has been pursuing ties between the Russian government and Mr. Trump and his associates, with potentially ruinous consequences for the administration.
With congressional Republicans continuing to resist any serious investigation, Mr. Comey’s inquiry was the only aggressive effort to get to the bottom of Russia’s ties to the Trump campaign. So far, the scandal has engulfed Paul Manafort, one of Mr. Trump’s campaign managers; Roger Stone, a longtime confidant; Carter Page, one of the campaign’s early foreign-policy advisers; Michael Flynn, who was forced out as national security adviser; and Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who recused himself in March from the Russia inquiry after failing to disclose during his confirmation hearings that he had met twice during the campaign with the Russian ambassador to the United States.
We have said that Mr. Comey’s atrocious handling of the Clinton email investigation, which arguably tipped the election to Mr. Trump, proved that he could not be trusted to be neutral, and that the only credible course of action would be the appointment of a special prosecutor. Given all that has happened — the firing of the F.B.I. director, on top of Mr. Trump’s firing of the acting attorney general, Sally Yates, and his dismissal of nearly all United States attorneys — the need for such a prosecutor is plainer than ever. Because Mr. Sessions is recused, the decision to name a special prosecutor falls to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, whose memo, along with a separate one by Mr. Sessions, provided Mr. Trump with the pretense to fire Mr. Comey.
This is a tense and uncertain time in the nation’s history. The president of the United States, who is no more above the law than any other citizen, has now decisively crippled the F.B.I.’s ability to carry out an investigation of him and his associates. There is no guarantee that Mr. Comey’s replacement, who will be chosen by Mr. Trump, will continue that investigation; in fact, there are already hints to the contrary.
The obvious historical parallel to Mr. Trump’s action was the so-called Saturday Night Massacre in October 1973, when President Richard Nixon ordered the firing of the special prosecutor investigating Watergate, prompting the principled resignations of the attorney general and his deputy. But now, there is no special prosecutor in place to determine whether the public trust has been violated, and whether the presidency was effectively stolen by a hostile foreign power. For that reason, the country has reached an even more perilous moment.
We are in trouble, and nobody seems to care. What we need is a grassroots movement to impeach the President and his Vice President and to hold another election where the popular vote counts instead of the Electoral College. But that too is wishful thinking.
Good luck America.
Stay tuned,
Red Beans and Ricely yours, Effey

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Monday, March 6, 2017

Fake News
By Effey

Pinocchio is at it again.  You, dear reader are a witness to history.  You are seeing a sequel to "Amateur Hour at the White House".  The inventor of Fake News and hyper exaggeration is at it again, to deflect from his troubles and the turmoil in the White House.  He invents phony accusations and accuses the media of being dishonest and circulating "Fake News", when he himself is the "Master Faker".  
How lucky Americans are to have a fourth branch of government, by having a free press which reports to the people the zillions of wrong doings by our elected officials!
Jeff Sessions, to me, always looked like a clown.  Now it turns out that he doesn't even have a brain or a memory!  This is supposed to be our Attorney General?!  How can he be our Attorney General, when he himself doesn't know right from wrong?
So now that someone tapped his head, all of a sudden he remembers what he did.  Now he is given a chance to supplement his testimony.  That in it self is a new procedure which the Republican just invented, to make him and the party look good.  And do you really believe that President Obama tapped Pinocchio's phone lines?  President Obama was impeccable.  You may not have agreed with his policies but he didn't have a single scandal during his administration.  Neither did he start any wars.  And his Attorney General, Eric Holder, was without reproach.  Both, Pinocchio and Jeff Sessions have large shoes to fill.  Did you ever notice that our "Master Faker" can dish it out but cannot take it?
As for his hypocrisy: he claims he wants to save money for the American people, yet every weekend he travels to his private estate (which gives the estate free PR and free advertising and will increase its market price for functions and eventual sale).  So far, it has cost the American people Eighteen Million Dollars in six weeks.  Ten million Dollars for the use of his plane and the additional Secret Service surrounding the villa.  
In the mean time Camp David is eating up Eight Million Dollars buy not being used.  Trimming the EPA will put three hundred people out of work.  This is called "job creation"!  
And by giving the green light to the Keystone and North Dakota pipelines, we are totally ignoring a contract which the United States made with the American Indians, which some time in the future could possibly impact on their health, too.  The Native American Indians are rightfully bound to challenge the United States for years in court. Haven't we done enough damage yet to our Native Americans?  
In typical Trump fashion the president exaggerates the number of people the construction of these pipelines could employ.  Both pipelines together would only employ one thousand to fifteen hundred people which would only last about two years.  Once the pipelines are completed, each pipeline would only employ fifty people to maintain them.  Question:  Does the Donald or his family have any financial interests in these pipelines?
On another subject, The President has surrounded himself with a number of very competent generals.  He is also talking tough and wants to increase our military forces (I agree with the later).  He does not know the meaning of the word "diplomacy".  If he does know the meaning of this word then evidently he doesn't want to use it.  
He is also talking about infrastructure expenditures there by increasing our debt. Where will the money come from to pay for all of this?  It will not come from decreasing taxes!  The idea of trickle-down economics has been proven not to work.  What this country needs is to fill the many loop holes which corporations use.  
But then the corporations cry that they cannot make any money. Of course they can't make any money when they are paying hundreds of millions of dollars to their CEO's.  
In fact, it is the CEO's who are to be blamed for the current unemployment crisis which we now have in this country.  You see the cost of labor to any business is one of the highest recurring costs of any business.  So the CEO's came up with a very simple solution.  Get rid of the labor force and replace it with technology.  And now much of the money which they saved the corporations is going to them.  Somewhere there's something "fowl in the State of Denmark".
The President complains about the mess he inherited from the Obama administration.  I shutter the thought of what Pinocchio's successor might inherit.
Both, Hitler and Mussolini came to power because there was high unemployment and inflation in their respective countries.  Both of them surrounded themselves with generals, promised to reduce the unemployment and to build an enormous infrastructure which eventually helped speed up the movement of their military arsenal.
Both of these dictators sought and found wars and lost millions of troops which lowered the unemployment rates in their respective countries.  In the beginning they were loved and adored by their citizens.  But we know what happened to them in the end.  Hitler committed suicide in a bunker in Berlin when he heard gun fire in the streets above the bunker.  The Russians had entered Berlin.  Until then he deluded himself since he didn't trust or believe his generals when they advised him, that the war he was waging was unsustainable.
Mussolini in turn lost thousands of troops in his military adventures in the Horn of Africa and Libya.  Eventually, he too lost his popularity precipitously forcing king Leopold to dismiss him.  Eventually Mussolini tried with the help of Germany to escape to Switzerland. He was caught by Italian Partisans, shot and hung for display upside down from the roof of a gas station.  
And remember what recently happened to Libya's Col. Muammar Gaddafi?  That is what happens to tough guys who don't know how to use diplomacy.
The bigger they are, the harder they fall!
Get wise Mr. President!

Stay Tuned
Red Beans and Ricely yours

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