Friday, June 16, 2017

Prescription For Making America Great Again - According To Donald Trump

By Effey
I’ve never seen congress so busy as it is now or as it has been the last week or so. Except that Congress is not doing anything for the people other than the President’s cabinet and entourage. I wonder how much money this is wasting. On the other hand I agree with the investigations and I strongly believe that there is a lot of vodka being consumed at the Kremlin these days.  Vladimir Putin must be jumping up and down because Donald Trump became President and not Hillary Clinton. Why is that so important? Because Putin has time to do whatever damage he can to the west, Because Donald Trump is soft on Russia and has no time to legislate in America and has distance himself from Europe and thus Mr. Putin can successfully interfere in European politics’ without fear of American intervention.
            The sanctions that we have imposed on Russia have very little or no effect on Russia. Russia has the largest oil reserves in the world and supplies the European market through Iraq. So it isn’t Russia that is suffering but the European nations now pay more for a liter of oil than they paid before the sanctions were imposed on Russia.
            I strongly believe that the reason our President is soft on Russia is because he wants to build in Russia and develop Projects in Russia. During the campaign I remember the then private citizen Donald Trump showing a commercial in which he told the viewers that he had just walked away from a deal in Russia because the terms were not favorable enough for him. I believe that Jarred Kushner dealt with the Russian VEB bank on Donald’s behalf while he was President elect in the hope that Donald becomes a private citizen again the Russians will be more favorable to Kushner and Donald will come in and do what he was trying to do during the campaign, establish himself in Russia.
            Notice also, that during the campaign the Russians hacked into the DNC and not into Trumps computers or the RNC. I am sure that because Hillary works for the government her computer was more sophisticated than Donald’s computers. He may be an expert on Twitter but I doubt that he’s very sophisticated in communicating with his contacts by email.
            His speeches are nothing to marvel at either or even the ones that his speech writer, write for him. Compare his speeches to those of Barrack Obama or for that matter George W. Bush. And notice also how Barrack Obama was impeccable as was his staff. Compare Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, to our current Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Notice also how many people connected to the Trump administration are hiring top rated attorneys relating to the Russian connection investigations.
            This is the man that wanted to put Hillary in jail for the mistakes that she made while she was Secretary of State. It was Hillary who started talking to Iran about their nuclear ambitions. It was John Kerry who for two years negotiated the Iran nuclear deal. How would you have felt had he not succeeded in his negotiations and Iran would now be eight months farther in developing a nuclear bomb?
            Our empathy goes out to the victims of the shooting In Arlington Virginia.

Stay tuned

Red Beans and Ricely Yours
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