Wednesday, June 7, 2017

We May Face A Dilemma?
By Effey
This blog is being written one day before the Comey Hearings take place in Congress. In the court of public justice the President has eroded all his power as President against James Comey the former director of the FBI. The public seems to trust James Comey more than the President. Can the President change the evidence in his favor? Probably not, most likely Comey may strengthen his testimony with more revelations which will damage the President.
            The President has done things which go against the values Americans believes in. His base which voted for him is largely very selfish. They only care about themselves and the present. They don’t care about the future.
When our President stupidly negated staying in the climate change agreement, his base cheered. They didn’t see what their selfishness will do to us all, them included. The climate as it is now is and will be doing more damage to us. We have already seen Katrina and Sandy. Be prepared for many more storms and tornados even worse than Katrina and Sandy.
            In Africa there will be more and worse famines and millions of human beings, who are not white, will die. We will be largely responsible for these conditions, because next to China we are the biggest polluters
 More storms, tornadoes and wild fires in the aggregate will cost us billions of dollars and hurt millions of people, both Americans and Africans.
We hope that from the Hearings tomorrow level headed members of Congress will ask the Congress to impeach our President. So far in four months our President has not done much legislation but has been embroiled in nothing but scandals on a daily basis. This is not how a President should govern. He will go down in history alright, not as the greatest or best, but as the worst President we have ever had.
            If Congress decides to impeach the president, for which I will cheer Congress, we will get Mike Pence as our new President. There is a saying that one should not sweep with a broom when a leader falls because you never know how the new broom will sweep compared to the old broom.
            Mike Pence as a president would be a politician and therefore will have less scandal consuming his time and provide more legislation. But Mike Pence is ultra conservative, which means that he will legislate more and will cut or eliminate programs which will affect millions of the little people. He will go backward in time to the 1930s’ and not forward.
            So were going from the fire into the frying pan, accept that our stakes don’t stick to the frying pan.
Stay tuned

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