Friday, June 2, 2017

Trumps First Trip Overseas
Reset Riad-Very Impressive
By Effey
            I was very much impressed by our President’s overseas trip. I was not so much impressed by our President as I was by Saudi’ Arabia foreign Minister Jinbar.
            Jinbar spoke in a impeccable English, fluently, fast and stuck to the topic. He must have been educated in either Oxford or Cambridge University.
            At one time he even called Rex Tillerson by his first name and eluded to him as a friend from the days when Tillerson spent time in Saudi Arabia as the CEO of Exxon Mobile buying oil from the Arabs’. Our new Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson was also brilliant.
            Our President, of course took up much of his speech by referring the deal he had just struck with the Arabs for One Hundred Nine Billion Dollars in military hardware. This deal will of course create a lot of new jobs and probably more assembly plants for the military contractors,, but I doubt that the amount of new jobs will be One Million like the President proclaimed.
            In his speech the President addressed the challenge of Islamic radicals and he advised all communities affected by them just to drive them out. Three times he used drive them out, drive them out, drive them out.
            My God! When will people who live in glass towers realize that the radicals are disappointed young people who live in autocratic communities, where the leaders often are corrupt and there is income inequality (as it is with us now) and no human rights. The young people live from day to day and have no jobs, no job training and very little education, if any at all. Many of the communities need to change their cultures and give these young people a chance at living. Until the leaders of these autocratic communities agree too many of the values we profess in our culture, such as freedom of speech and a fair judicial system we will have radical people
            When the Occupy Wall Street movement took a stand, against the income inequality in our country and the lack of jobs, it was essentially the same reason. However here in the United States we don’t have Sharia Law. And we have the right to speak up against our government, we have freedom of the press which had the right to analyze and express the reasons for the demonstrations. We also have new elections every four years and our government seeks to create new jobs and seeks full employment for our citizens.
            Whenever you have radicalism you have people who disagree with the establishment and its rules of engagement. In our country we have hundreds of colleges and millions of students who at least have the opportunity to improve their lifestyles through serious higher education which is much more than they can do in many of the Autocracies of the middle east.
            Until those Autocracies come out of the middle ages and change their value systems, you will have radical rebels
.To be continued…….
Stay tuned,
Red Beans and Ricely yours, Effey

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