Friday, February 12, 2016

Bernie and Donald

As of today, it is quite obvious that Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump are showing clout to win the nominations of their respective political parties.  However, what will happen if they do win?
Let's start with Donald Trump (the "Donald").  He claims he can do everything better than the politicians do.  Up to this point nobody has dared to look deeper into his claims, whether they are actually attainable and what things would cost us, the taxpayers.  For example: CNBC has estimated what it would cost to improve the currently porous wall between the United States and Mexico.  The wall is approximately 2000 miles long and according to CNBC it would cost "Billions of Dollars" (Oct. 9, 2015). 
"According to a Government Accountability Office 2009 report, the cost to build 1 mile of fencing at the border averaged between $2.8 million and $3.9 million."
This would be added to our current budget deficit which is already in the trillions of dollars.
Next, he would not raise taxes on the rich but he would lower the minimum wage back to $7.50.  Is that what middle class Americans want?  He would shrink the government, which means again higher unemployment.  He would also do away with Obamacare.  This would again leave roughly 15-20 million Americans without healthcare coverage.  He claims he can’t stand seeing people dying in the streets.  Where are the sick people who do not have healthcare coverage supposed to go for help when they are sick?  Presumably the hospitals can not turn away anyone who needs help.  But who will pay the hospital bills?  Guess what!  The average taxpayer will pay the bills.  This is after your minimum wage has again been reduced to $7.50!
And what about deporting all the illegal immigrants.  How do you think this will work?  Right now there are approximately 11 million illegal immigrants in America.  Mr. Trump will forcefully deport them all.  If we stand by and watch this catastrophe happen, there is a strong chance that somebody will try to assassinate him.  But even more importantly, we will have to take down our Statue of Liberty.  Poor girl!  For decades she has frozen her toochie off and now all her efforts turn out to be in vain.  She can no longer proclaim
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Donald speaks like future dictators always speak.  They tell the masses what they want to hear, they muffle the opposition (like he did to Jeb Bush "Quiet, I am now speaking").  He knows very well how to dish out insults but he cant take it when others throw the insults back into his face.  Dictators never tell you how they will fix what ails the respective countries,  They just voice the people's frustrations and expect the people to believe in them and to trust them, but they never offer specific details on how they will fix the problems.  "I can take care of the problems.  Just trust me".  And look what happens when these populists take over.  Things always end up worse than they were before they took over.  I can list several of them for you: Hitler, Mussolini, Sadam Hussein, Mao Tse Tung, Stalin, Chavez, Castro etc.  And these are just a few.  There are plenty more.
Now to Bernie.  He is right about the facts.  There is no denial.  But he depends on the people to rise up in protest and start a revolution.  I seriously doubt that this will happen.  Look what happened to the "Occupy Wall Street Movement"!  Americans are not ready for a revolt.  These are no longer colonial times!
For my money, I would rather go with Hillary or Kasich, who know the system and who have a proven track record and who have been in public office most of their adult lives. 

Let's see what happens!

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