Saturday, February 6, 2016


I am a naturalized American.  I was born overseas and have lived in two other countries before I came to America in 1959.  I am very proud to be an American.  Watching the electoral process in America and knowing pretty much about the system of Government we have works, I must tell you that I am thrilled to be an American.
Where else in the world can people speak to their potential leaders in person?  Where do they have debates like we have here in America?
I must admit that watching the Republican debates and the Democratic debates, there is a difference like night and day.  Even though I love the idea of the candidates vying for our votes, but I still think the Republican Debates are a three ring Circus.  The caliber of the candidates to me sounds ridiculous compared to the Democratic candidates.
I think that Donald Trump is a very dangerous man (I will explain, why I think so in a future blog) and I don't have much use for anyone else except, Jeb Bush and John Kasich.
On the other side there is Governor O'Malley, Senator Sanders and Secretary Clinton.  What a difference!  I admire and love all of them.  They seem to be people who care about us, not the big corporations.  Even though Governor O'Malley has dropped out of the race, I felt that he was honest and sincere.  He really understood what the country needs and was not out for himself, but cared about us the people.
Bernie is special, too.  I have known about him for five years, long before he campaigned for the presidency and became a household name.  What he is saying is all true.  We need a revolution, but not just in the voting booths, but a real revolution which will turn Washington upside down and get rid of all the wise guys who are just jealous and don't want to give credit to Barack Obama.
What a difference in tone between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton compared to the Republicans.  Personally I love Bernie Sanders, how he talks, his passion and his dedication as well as his honest assessment of the enormous corruption of our politicians in Washington.  But I will go for Hillary, only because I believe it takes more than just a vision or a call to rise up. 
Unfortunately a lot of Americans don't care or don't give a damn.  All they know is to criticize, but they won't exercise their privilege to vote.
There is no country in the world like America.  Nowhere do people have the freedoms we have.  Nowhere can they vote for an individual and nowhere can the people decide to change the person at the helm as in America.
And no where else in the world does opportunity lie in the air, up for grabs, like in America.
I love America and I am proud to be an American (even though I am only a naturalized citizen). 

If the world could vote with its feet, three quarters of the world would be living in America!

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