Monday, February 1, 2016

Ted Cruz US Hypocrite #1


The Senator from Texas calls himself a "Fiscal Conservative". 
Is he for real?  Check this out!  On September 24, 2013, he gave a filibuster, a speech which lasted 21 hours.  The House of Congress was lit up all night just for this filibuster, which he used to repeal the Affordable Care Act (AKA “Obamacare”).
And listen to this!  He had nothing to say so he read from the fairy tales of Dr. Seuss "Green Eggs and Ham" to kill the time.  In the end he lost anyhow.  But think of the cost of the electric Bill.  Guess who had to pay for the electric!  You and me, the American taxpayers!
He also had the balls to shut down the government for almost a week.  Do you know how much that cost us?  24 billion dollars!!!!  You read right!  24 billion dollars!  Is that being fiscally conservative?  Not according to the dictionary which I use!
Now he is campaigning to be the next President of the United States.  Officially it is well known that he is the most hated member of Congress.  How will he be able to get anything done, if he wins the election?
He would like to kill Obamacare, which now provides 21 million people a chance to see a doctor when they are sick.  Do we really want to take this insurance away from them? 
I propose that all our members of Congress, the House as well as the Senate, should only get paid the minimum wages, no overtime and no perks.  No free lunches, no Health Insurance, no trips to New York to raise funds for his bid for the presidency, paid for by us, the tax-payers, as Mr. Cruz has done.
Is this what he calls "Fiscal conservatism"?
Now he is running for President, even though many believe he does not qualify for the job because he was born in Canada.
Talk about hypocrisy!  He is against raising the minimum wage and really does not seem to care an iota for the lower middle class which is struggling and which has given up on the American Dream.
He also claims to be a conservative Christian.  What kind of Christianity is this?  He wants to stop Obamacare, which takes care of the lower middle class, and he does not want to give refuge to foreign immigrants and refugees.  If I recall correctly, Christianity is based on the teachings and the unusual outreach of Jesus to the less fortunate.  Christ embraced everybody, even his enemies ("Forgive the, for they know not what they are doing").  Give me a break!
He is also against Gay Rights, he doesn't believe in Climate Change, he opposes raising taxes for the rich, in short-he doesn't give a hoot about the majority of Americans.  And this is a man who  want's to
There are two separate things which have made the United States the great country which it has become:  The Constitution and the contributions from immigrants and refugees (for this discussion it really doesn't matter which of the two they were).
What nonsense this is!  If terrorists want to harm us they can easily come into the United States legally as visitors.
In my opinion, (and I have the right to my opinion), Ted Cruz should be hung from the highest tree pole we can find, upside down.  And after a week of hanging in this position he should be tried for treason.

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