Thursday, March 3, 2016

God.  Please save us from Donald (Pinocchio)Trump!
If you are thinking of voting for Donald Trump, think again. But first, read this blog!

The Donald sounds real good when he is campaigning.  But has he actually put forth any specifics about his plans?  Does he really think that our opponents are stupid?  If so, he might find out that he got more than he bargained for!

Cases in point.  The Iran Nuclear Deal. 

All the Republicans are speaking from hindsight.  They claim that the deal which John Kerry and Hillary Clinton negotiated is a bad deal.  Oh Yeah?  It took the US almost two years to come up with this kind of a deal.  Why?  Because the Iranians were stubborn and were really in the driver's seat.  They have the nuclear missiles and bombs.  Do we want to risk not having any dialogue at all with them?

The Illegal Immigrants.

He wants to build an impenetrable wall.  In 1960 East Germany built a wall 97 miles long.  At the time it cost $200 Million. In Today's economy it would cost $1.2 Billion.  But that would only be for a wall that is 97 miles long.  The wall we would need would be 3000 miles long.  How much would that cost? 

And what do we do with our Statue of Liberty?  Would we take that down?  And don't kid yourself, the jobs the illegal immigrants would do for very small wages, no American would want to do, because we are too spoiled.  So that would almost inevitably put many restaurants as well as many other businesses out of business.

Bringing back jobs from overseas?  No manufacturer would be that stupid.  The wages American workers would demand are five times as high as the wages workers get in some third world countries.  So scratch that off the record.

In fact, Donald himself is looking to lower the wages again, back to $7.50/hr. 

What about freedom of speech.  You saw recently that he doesn't allow anybody except himself to say what is on their mind.  He proved it a couple of times by forcefully removing demonstrators, he also tried to censor Fox News, when he boycotted a debate where he didn't like one of the journalists doing the interview.

He keeps interrupting the other candidates when they speak, but he tells them to be quiet when they speak.

Politifact the publication rated 76% of what Trump said in 77 statements as varying degrees of false, from “Mostly False” to “Pants on Fire.”

He also claims that he can do whatever he wants, and he will be successful.  Supposedly he has the Midas Touch.  Oh Yeah?  If so, then why did the Trump Shuttle, Trump Vodka, Trump Magazine, Trump University,, Trump Mortgage, and Trump Steak fail?

Women have strive'd for decades to have equal rights and get equal pay for the same work men do.  From the disparaging way he talks about women do you think he will seek to get for women whatever rights they seek?  I seriously doubt it.

George W. Busch spoke very much like The Donald does.  He promised us a greater America.  He inherited a surplus from President Bill Clinton, he got us into the Iran War and he left us with a huge deficit plus the Great Recession.  I foresee the The Donald will do even worse.  He will alienate our allies and start wars with our enemies.  Do we really need such an egotist and liar as President?

Most dictators throughout history have promised the people whatever they wanted to hear (as Donald does).  The people elected them into office and when the dictators committed suicide or were killed by their opponents, they left a big mess behind.  Watch out for the Donald!

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