Monday, March 21, 2016

I Stand Corrected.

First of all, I want to apologize to all my followers for the typos and incorrect grammar in the last two posts.  I was in the hospital and dictated the last two blogs over the phone.  I never saw them before they were posted.  Again, my apologies!
In fact, I love the English language and I hate to see people mangle it, either by wrong spelling or typos.  But this time I myself have to take the blame.
Now to one of the most important subject matters during the next few weeks - Pinocchio.
In my post of March 3rd, I said that "The Donald" is a fascist and acts like a dictator in disguise.  I stand corrected.  Carl Bernstein, the award winning investigative journalist, who together with Bob Woodward exposed the Watergate scandal in 1973, which eventually led President Richard Nixon to resign, said that Trump is a Neo-fascist.  He was right!  Neo means "new".  So, I modify my statement to "Neo fascist". 
Why is this important to know?  Why am I harping on this subject?
Because I have lived overseas, under 2 totalitarian governments at different times.  My family was a victim of Fascism.  I have lost a thirteen year old brother, my paternal grandparents and two of my father's brothers to Fascism.  And if Donald Trump gets the nomination or even worse, becomes our president, we are in deep doody! 
There are certain patterns which totalitarians share in common.
They come to power when the lower income classes feel abandoned by their government, when they have lost their jobs and can not find new jobs.  They feel that the government in power does not hear their painful cries for changes.
The dictators come along and ridicule their opponents, make inflammatory speeches and sound like "saviors" sent from heaven.  They promise the people changes which will bring back the former glories of their nation and provide jobs for the people.  They will say everything the masses want to hear.  Good times are acomin!  Just trust me!  We will fix their wagons!
Potential dictators rarely have any detailed plans on how they will bring about the changes they promise.  All they have is a child-like demeanor that they can do it, whatever that "it" is.  But almost all the time the first thing they do is divide the country and pit their followers against the establishment class. 
They (the dictators) themselves never give orders for violent changes but they ratchet up their rhetoric to a feverish pitch which encourages their followers to use violence to rid the dictator of his opponents.  Generally the dictator's followers do not have very much of an education.  The "savior" promises his followers jobs and always finds someone to be the scapegoat for all the ills of the country.
Usually dictators engage in large construction projects, which actually create some jobs.  But most of the time the construction projects are monuments, usually to their own glory.
But when the time comes to pay for these projects the government coffers are dry.  They turn on their opponents and steal the money from the rich and distribute it to the poor, but not in Robin Hood fashion!  The takeover is usually violent and to justify their actions they use trumped up charges.  (via. Atalin, Mao-Tse-Tung, Hitler, etc.)
In this case, Trump and some of the other Republican candidates and, in fact, the entire Republican Party blame Barack Obama, of course for all the country's problems!    And let's not forget Hillary Clinton!  They do not want to admit that they undermined the President in every possible way.  They want to trash Obamacare because they are jealous.  They do not realize that Obamacare finally gave millions of people a chance to have healthcare. 
And Benghazi!  How many hearings have there been about Benghazi, trying to pin the blame on Hillary Clinton?  What nobody talks about is that the Republicans slashed the budget for the defense of all our embassies two years earlier.  They are trying to purge themselves!  They feel guilty.
And quite frankly, in my opinion they are!

Red Beans and Ricely Yours.

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