Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Red Beans And Ricely Yours

The race for the Republican nomination is now beginning to look like a real horse race. Mr. Trump is still the front runner, but the field of other competitors is quickly starting to close in on him.

Finally people are realizing that he has nothing to offer the American electorate but pump, bluster , insults, gutter talk, narc-ism. And empty promises. Both, words and promises, are cheap! He claims that he is self funding his campaign, not true! He may be paying his staffers out of his own pocket, but in the end you and I will be paying for them all. He will claim every expense associated with the campaign as a tax deduction. All ready he is reaching the plateau. Maybe he is starting to lose ground.

Now he is asking hs supporters to pledge that they will support him all the way, by having them raise their right hand and reciting the pledge. Hello Hitler! Viva Il Duce! Viva Fidel Castro! "Long live Fascism!"

It sounds like he is a supremacists, not and elitists.

The only one in the Republican party who sounds real is John Kasich.

I Doubt that Kasich can win the nomination by ether pledges or super delegates. But we haven't seen the entire results for all the states yet.

In a contested or brokered convention Kasich may turn out to be the best choice. 

Red Beans Ricely Yours, effey[1]

[1]  One of the worlds most popular jazz musicians, Louis (Satchmo) Armstrong use to sign his name with this epigram .

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