Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Welcome To A "Bright Future" (????)
By Effey
First of all, regardless of your religious affiliation I wish you greetings for the season.
The long outdated Electoral College has voted and given its imprimatur.  So now Pinocchio is officially our President Elect. 
Never before in the history of this country has a misogamist, a tax dodger, a thief and a liar been the president of this great country.  Shame on us!
What happens if someone dodges paying federal income taxes? How can the IRS enforce the law when the highest officer of the country dodges paying his federal income tax.
How will congress deal with him? Will they let him get away with it? Or do they impeach him?
At the time of this writing (12/20/2016 – 9 p.m.) the stock market’s Dow Jones Index is 20 points short of going over the top (20,000).  In the eyes of the FED our economy is doing better than ever.  This is a fata morgana (mirage), an illusion that the economy is doing well.  So it is time to raise the interest rates to keep inflation in check.  The prices for commodities will rise, but not the people’s salaries.  The millionaires are doing well, but not the Lower Middle Class.  The Lower Middle Class will once again get squeezed while the folks on the top, the very rich will get richer!  So what else is new?!
It reminds me very much of Germany after World War I.  The majority of artisans lost their jobs, the currency became hyper inflated to a point never seen before and a populist leader came along and promised the folks to cure all their problems.  Hitler (Trump) and Putin (Mussolini) became allies and in the end Hitler and Mussolini eventually destroyed their respective country.
Great prospects ahead for us all!
Our new President has tentacles all over the world but refuses to divest himself of his holdings.  He will not even put his assets into a Blind Trust as is Standard Operating Procedure for a President.  There are tons of conflicts of interest but I bet that his cronies, the Republicans in Congress will create new laws, which will let him get away with his shenanigans!  When Hitler and Mussolini ruled their respective countries all the politicians also got in lock step!  It's amazing how history repeats itself with different players!
The congress wouldn’t work with Barak Obama, a man of the highest integrity, but they will bend over backwards for this liar, thief and crook!
Welcome to the Biggest Show on Earth!
Here is a suggestion.  Let's create a grass root movement which will demand that the members of Congress get paid only minimum wage and by the hour. And give up all their perks including insurance. (put them on Obama Care) Why not?  Let them experience what the little guys suffer.  They haven’t really done very much to help the people they serve.  They have done everything they could to undermine the President.  We could be in a lot better shape than we are, had they done their duty to us, The People. 
Did you know that at one time it was a great honor to be elected to a government office without getting a salary?
Now our elected officials will line up in lockstep and destroy many of the regulations which have been put in place by previous administrations to protect our environment for the benefit of our children and grandchildren.  These laws and regulations had been put in place because previous conditions were doing damage to the environment and the society.  When politicians come along and claim that government is too big, they mean to say that they want to go back to the days of the Wild West.  You don’t like something or somebody, shoot them.  Boy!  Are we in trouble!
On Taxes, Pinocchio wants to lower the taxes for the Middle Class.  The Upper Classes will automatically benefit because their rates of taxation will also go down.  So if we lower the taxes, instead of closing most of the loopholes for the Upper Class, then how will we be able to pay for our infrastructure projects?  Gimme a break!
One thing I will say.  I agree with Pinocchio when he announced that we should increase our arsenal of Nuclear weapons.  I doubt that we have the money to do so, but at least it sends a message to Korea and to Vladimir!
I love Israel, but I do believe that the settlements are a huge mistake.  I have said this ever since James Baker, President Herbert Bush's Secretary of State, whenever he came back from Israel complained about the Israelis using American money and support to build those settlements.  I do not believe that the Palestinians are a bunch of angels, or even that they have the right to the West Bank.  But there will never be a peace between Israel and the Palestinians.  Both are radicals and neither will give in.  But unless there is a compromise both sides will lose a lot of young people in battles for the next thousand years.
I also believe that it is wrong under these conditions to move our Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.  It will be another Benghazi!
Stay tuned and forward this blog to like minded friends.

Red Beans and Ricely Yours

If you have friends who are struggling making ends meet take a look

Thursday, December 1, 2016


By Effey

You know?  It is really disgusting!  We go around telling the rest of the world what a wonderful system of Democracy we have.  Look at us!  This system has served us well for 240 years! 
We had one of the craziest and I believe most dishonest elections ever, this year.  Hillary Clinton got almost 3 million more votes than Pinocchio, yet Pinocchio was declared the winner. 
Did he win the election fair and square?  I don't believe he did and neither do millions of other people.  For one thing, how come only the Democratic National Convention was hacked by (probably) the Russians, yet the Republican National Convention was left untouched?  And who hacked the Wicki Leaks?  Julian Assange?  Hacking into a computer system on such a large scale is not a job that can be done by one or even ten individuals together!  Assange was holed up alone in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.  Besides, there were so many documents, that one person alone could not have completed all the work necessary in such a short time!
We also have heard that Pinocchio is kind of chummy with Vladimir Putin!  Wonder what that means?
Now Pinocchio is interviewing all kinds of candidates for Secretary of State.  In my humble opinion, the only one capable of doing an excellent job as Secretary of State would be, believe it or not, Mitt Romney!  Not Gen. Petreaus, not Rudy Guiliani, or Senator Bob Corker.  Each one of them in my opinion would be a poor choice.
But much more important is his conflict of interests.  The New York Times showed that he has business connections in 25 countries, not so much as an individual owner, but as a brand name for other overseas ventures.
And, under no circumstances should his children be allowed to be in charge of his Blind Trust.
But here is the most galling part.  The taxpayers have to pay for his protection as the President.  But the guy has never paid a dime in Federal Income taxes!  Now he is freeloading from us, the taxpayers.  Such an ironic twist can only happen in America!
If you don't pay your income taxes, the IRS comes after you and penalizes you!  But Pinocchio is given all kinds of tax breaks because he is rich and therefore never pays a dime of Federal Income taxes!   And he called Hillary crooked!!
But he was right about one thing, that the system is rigged.  Except he thought it was rigged against him.  He didn't know that the Republicans have been rigging the system all along in their favor through voter suppression and redistricting!
Following is a section of a report in the Atlantic Monthly of November 8, 2016, reported by Chris Keane/Reuters;
What Early Voting in North Carolina Actually Reveals
Some counties succeeded in suppressing voter turnout—but there’s much more to the story.
North Carolina has been conducting a real-time experiment on the efficacy of voter suppression—and the results suggest both that it works, and that it’s far from the only factor at play in the state.
“Voter suppression” has become a watchword in the state after a multi-year fight against the 2013 HB 589 voter law, a law championed by Republicans that reduced the early-voting period for elections by seven days, ended same-day voter registration, and established strict voter ID requirements. Those provisions—which have been demonstrated to affect minority communities most—were struck down by the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals this summer for naked discrimination. But data from North Carolina’s State Board of Elections on the early-voting period indicate that continued efforts by Republicans at the county levels are having real effects on the election.
You can check the entire article by going to
Check it out for yourself.
Just look up in Google: Voter Suppression and also Redistricting.  Make sure you are sitting down while reading all te articles you will find there.
In God We Trust!

Stay tuned and forward this article to like minded friends.
By Effey

Red Beans and Ricely yours!


Wednesday, November 23, 2016

U.S.A. (1776-2016) R.I.P.

By Effey

The headline for this blog is taken from the latest headline of the New York based "Village Voice" weekly newspaper.  The message could not have been any clearer and/or more appropriate!  The values for which we fought for decades will go down the drain with the current President Elect, unless we make our voices clearly and loudly heard through massive organized protests and letter writing.  Listed below you will find all the important names and the address for all of the people who have his ear. Bombard them with your letters and complaints. I suggest you do not use your return address on the letter, so that the recipients have to open the letters.
Donald Trump has become the President Elect by lying, lying and lying again as well as by dividing the country and making up all kinds of stories (which we do not need to repeat again.  You already have your own archive of his lies!).  I still wonder how come the DNC got hacked but, not the RNC?  Did he have anything to do with this?  I suspect that he did have his hand in this, too, but that he won't admit it!
Since Donald Trump has not released his tax returns we have to assume that he has failed to pay his share of the Federal Income Taxes.  No wonder our infrastructure is crumbling!  No wonder we had to shrink our military capacity!  No wonder we have an exorbitantly high budget deficit.  No wonder we could not afford to maintain a decent level of security at our Benghazi Embassy!  Federal Income Taxes are the revenue which pay for our infrastructure which we enjoy; keeps us safe, and of course our armed forces, their equipment and weaponry. The Republicans being in the pockets of the billionaires refuse to create a simple tax code which would make everybody pay their fair share of taxes and eliminates all the loopholes in the tax code.
The pundits tell us to give our President Elect a chance to put together a decent cabinet.  Are they nuts?
When you have a small fire in your house, do you say "Wait a minute.  Let's first see if the fire will spread!"  Or do you do whatever is necessary to douse the flame?
No wonder Hillary lost the election.  The pundits and the pollsters had it all wrong.  Actually nobody who would have been a half way decent candidate could have won against Pinocchio!  Not Bernie Sanders.  Not Barack Obama.  Not Joe Biden.  Not even Mitt Romney, had he been a Democrat!  Why?  Because he kept on lying and, even worse.  He told the people what they wanted to hear, not what was a feasible or a realistic vision or policy.
This last statement is what dictators throughout history have done.  And this is what snake oil salesmen do when they try to sell you snake oil which will cure all your ills and make you a millionaire in two weeks if you use the oil daily as prescribed!  Will Pinocchio deliver on his promises?  Dictators, in the beginning of their reign usually do deliver on their promises.  But they never have the money to pay for their kept promises!  This was one of the many reasons Hitler wanted the German Jews out of Germany, so that he could steal their money to pay for the projects he did build, like the Autobahn and do rocket research to eventually bomb London, etc.!!! 
The time to stop the President Elect from keeping Steve Bannon in his cabinet is now, while there still is time for Pinocchio to ditch Bannon. 
Case in point:  Billy Kristol is the editor of the neoconservative magazine "The Weekly Standard".  He is also Jewish!  So, what does Bannon have to say about Kristol?  "A Renegade Jew". 
Didn't Pinocchio at one of his rallies announce that Ivanka, his daughter, has converted to Judaism when she married Jared Kushner?  And didn't he tell all those Southern Crackers and Red Necks, who make up the majority of his audiences, that his grand children are also Jewish?  Doesn't he care about them, either?
Don't just rely on the Anti Defamation League or the NAACP to fight for you.  Write letters to Ivanka Kushner at the Trump Organization at the Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in New York City.  Flood their mail boxes!  If we all do so they will get the message and whisper into Pinocchio's ears.  Don't leave things up to fate.  Get involved.
And this other joker, General Flynn!  He believes that we should bomb the hell out of Isis and turn their territory into a Parking Lot.  He is still using old tactics which worked when you were dealing with legitimate, conventional armies.  ISIS is a bunch of guerillas.  WE need a new, different approach in guerilla warfare.  I also believe in defeating Isis, but the victory has to be a reasonable civilized and humane victory, without a lot of collateral damage of civilians. Not a scorched earth strategy!  We already had 1600 bombing sorties which has cost us billions of dollars.  How much more do we want to inflate our Deficit?  And the repairs of our infrastructure and the building of the wall which we will wind up paying for, not Mexico, as he keeps on wishing.  Mexico will become our enemy, not our friend and ally!  Unless you want another six million people out of work, keep on antagonizing Mexico.  It takes six million Americans every year to produce the goods we are selling to Mexico!
And abrogating the Iran deal!  Iran will just walk away from the table as it has done in the past, before we managed to get them to them to agree to our deal.  Face the unpleasant fact that Iran is in the driver's seat.  Iran does not need to agree to anything!  They can just further develop the nuclear bomb.  They already had completed 80% of their development.  What will a completed Nuclear Bomb do for us?  Will we be safer than we are now?  I seriously doubt it!  And how will it encourage others to do the same?
Give me a break!

Have a happy Turkey.  Although we should not give thanks for having this President Elect!
Stay tuned and forward this blog to your like minded friends.
Red beans and Ricely yours.

PS:  Here are the addresses for the people who have Pinocchio's ear.

The Trump Organization
725 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10022

Mr. Donald Trump, Jr.

Mrs. Ivanka Trump-Kushner

Mr. Eric Trump

Mr. Jared Kushner

Mrs. Melania Trump

If you or your friends want to improve your lifestyle follow this link

Friday, November 18, 2016


BY Effey

Pinocchio's father, Fred Trump, was together with Samual Lefrak one of the early developers of low and middle income housing in New York City.
Neither he, his father, and even his grandfather have a clean record.
Fred Trump was implicated in several Federal Investigations, including having been arrested at a KKK meeting.  Donald claims that his father was protesting the rally although it was reported that Fred was a part of it.  
Both his father and Pinocchio operate on a very common and simple system, called OPM - "Other People's Money".  It is a system very commonly used in Real Estate as well as in other big financial projects.
The problem though is that Pinocchio never gives the investor's a chance to make a nice profit from the project.  Pinocchio does not subscribe to this philosophy.  He tries to make money for himself first and then files for bankruptcy.  He really does not care whom he stiffs in the process, as long as he gets what he wants.
He also has a keen sense of what people want to hear, because all along in his life he has operated like a snake oil salesman, promising them everything they want to hear but delivering nothing!
During his campaign he heard the people and like most demagogues promised to fix their problems, whether the problems can be fixed or not, as long as his followers adore, glorify and believe in him.
Case in point:  The coal miners.  Because of clean renewable energy and better, more efficient methods of coal extraction and cheaper ways of providing fuel to the mass markets, the coal industry has been imploding for the last 40 years.  It is more or less a thing of the past. 
The problem is that nobody had the courage to inform the coal miners of this reality!  And what is even more important, nobody offered them the advice to change their "careers", as if they ever really had one!
But Pinocchio promised them what they wanted to hear, that he will bring back the coal Industry.  He does not adhere to the concept of climate change.  What does he care?  He is willing to tear down every agreement the United States made with other countries to preserve our planet and people's health, no matter what the price, as long as people believe him to be the new Christ, their Savior!
Folks, don't adhere to the principle of "Let's give him a chance"!  Some of the things he proposed are dangerous for the rest of the country.  Stop him with a loud outcry of "NO" before the genie gets out of the bottle and we can't put it back into the bottle.  All the progress we have made over the last 70 years, all of our achievements will be going down the drain and in the end we will be the ones left, holding the bag.
Stay tuned and forward this blog to your like minded friends.
Red beans and Ricely yours;


Friday, November 11, 2016

The Fox Guarding the Chicken Coup

By Effey

America voted and the minority won.  "Only in America" can something like this happen!  This is absolutely disgusting!!!
In every major organization where decisions need to be made by more than one person, the decisions are always based on the vote of the majority.  Of course there are also kangaroo votes, votes which are stacked by some vested party
Hillary, like Al Gore in the Presidential Election of 2000, won the popular vote.  And all along the American voters are told that their voice counts!  Yet it is the Electoral College, not the majority voters which decides who won the election.  Mind you the Electoral College was written into the Constitution, but when several problems with the Electoral vote caused major problems Congress made an amendment to the Constitution and gave voice to the majority.  What has happened in between?  There have been several amendments made to the constitution, why has this anomaly not been changed?  The answer is quite simple.  Because it has always benefited the Republican Party!!
So, in a sense Pinocchio was right; the elections are rigged!  Except he thought it was favoring the Democrats.  It is high time that Congress gets rid of the Electoral College altogether and only uses the college when both parties win the exact same number of votes and there is no other decisive factor.  But leave it to the Republican Party to complicate things as long as it favors them!!!
So, the chances of this anomaly being changed are nada, zilch.  Until the Democrats have the majority of both houses again nothing will change, unless there are massive protests, violent ones, which will become costly to the Republican Party.  But that will only happen when the moon and sun meet on planet Jupiter!
The Electoral College has been changed several times since the Constitution was written, because it had created unusual circumstances which achieved the exact opposite of what the Federalists had intended when they wrote the Constitution.  Throughout the last two centuries we have had at least 5 elections which created problems.  You can look it up for yourself!
We were tricked and yes Pinocchio was right!  The system is rigged!  But it is not rigged in the manner in which he was trying to convince us.  It is rigged by the Republican Party which gerrymandered different voting districts to keep African Americans from voting.  There was also voter suppression reported to the Justice Department on November 8, the day of the election. 
As you can tell, I am not too thrilled about the outcome of the election.  If the Election had been fair and square I could have accepted the outcome.  But not how this election was rigged and handled!
And we have the audacity to talk about other countries having rigged elections?!  Give me a break!  
No, I will not be gracious in defeat! 
I believe that the Electoral College, even though mandated by the Constitution, is a travesty of justice!  This process of deciding the winner of an election needs to be eliminated and replaced by an amendment that gives the people the real power to decide who should be the people's new president, not just look like it is a fair system, because it isn't!
Throughout our history the Electoral College has been amended and changed, but it was always in favor of the Republican Party.
So now we have one of the biggest crooks in America, and also the biggest liar and cheat of them all, who has cheated the American people by not paying millions of dollars in Federal Income Taxes.  The taxes we pay are used for our military, for our infrastructures and generally for running our government.  
And supposedly this crook will lead our country and make it great again!  First of all, our country is great.  It was founded by immigrants.  And it was the immigrants who made this country great by their contributions to this country!  And this president wants to stop immigrants from entering this country and bring well needed changes to this country!!!  Do you think that he will send his wife back to where she came from because she too is an immigrant!  I doubt it.  Is he for real???  Most of the changes the previous immigrants have brought to this country have only helped make this country what it is-today, great!
What we really need to do is to make sure that the candidate is not a misogynist and has not been sued over 4000 times while a private citizen. 
We need to bar candidates who talk over each other in debates.  We should spray them with a water pistol, if they do so and turn off the microphones at the same time! 
And we must make sure that the candidates speak the truth, not lies, like Pinocchio did all along during the campaign.  He called Hillary crooked when in fact it was he who was crooked!  History has shown that when dictators have problems, they reflect the people's attention by blaming others for their own problems.
Frankly, I think we will now have even more problems than we already had, when the Republican's refused to work with President Obama.
We also need to find a way of bringing legal action against a party which refuses to vet a proposed Supreme Court Justice!
Just look at the money to be spent while the taxes for the very rich are to be lowered!  Where will all the money come from if we lower our sources of revenue?
The Inspector General's Office, before the election, calculated what it would cost to implement the plans put forward by the candidates.
If Hillary would have won it would have cost us 200 Billion Dollars!
But if Pinocchio would win it estimated it would cost the American Taxpayer 3 Trillion Dollars!
And worst of all, Pinocchio will benefit from the tax cuts more than anyone else!  The Russians must love what they are seeing and hearing.
Already thousands of people are protesting in the streets in ten major cities.
We are in doody, big doody!

Stay tuned and forward this blog to your like minded friends.
Red Beans and Ricely yours.


Monday, November 7, 2016


By Effey
On Sunday, November 6, 2016, James Comey, the Director of the FBI, announced that the FBI had concluded their investigation of Hillary Clinton's e-mails, and although the FBI had found Hillary's handling of her classified e-mails, careless and reckless, the FBI concluded that none of these mistakes were made with malicious intent.  The "intent" is critical!  In other words it was made by mistake and nobody is perfect, not even Pinocchio!
So what does Pinocchio have to say now?
What has always amazed me about Pinocchio is that he tries to deflect from his mistakes by only talking about his opponents.
He is like all dictators.  Trust me.  I will solve all your problems.  The hell he will!
The Office of the Inspector General has looked at what both candidates proposed to do to fix our problems.  With Hillary's Tax Plan the country would add $200 Billion to our deficit.  With Pinocchio's Tax Plan it would add 3 Trillion to our deficit!
Pinocchio's Tax Plan puts less money in your pockets and more money into the pockets of the wealthy!  Billions!
It is my gut feeling that Hillary, in the end, will trounce him in the election.  That is what he deserves!
He has alienated millions of people by insulting them.  On Election Day he will get his payback!
Stay tuned and forward this e-mail to your friends.
Red Beans and Ricely Yours
PS:  If you have lost your job and need help, there is a website called Self Help E-books By Freddy Kaye.

Take a look at some of the self help books which can put some money back into your pockets.  The books are only $4.95 and if you implement the suggestions offered in these books you can save yourself thousands of dollars.  Give them a try.  What have you got to lose?

Friday, November 4, 2016


By Effey

Hillary is trying to build on the accomplishments of President Barack Obama and honor his legacy.  I am with her!
What does Pinocchio have to offer?  Zilch!  Just creating mayhem in the elections like a Banana Republic does.

1.  Provided Healthcare for over 20 million people, who could not afford Healthcare Insurance.
2.  Reformed Wall Street, protecting the little guys!
3.  Got us out of Iraq.  This is what people clamored for in 2008 and 2012.
4.  Found and got Osama Bin Laden.  Remember him?!
5.  Saved the auto Industry.
6.  Stimulus package for the banks.
7.  Lowered the unemployment rate from 8% to 4.9%.
8.  Started to empty out Guantanamo Bay.
9.  Re-opened diplomatic relations with Cuba, which in the long run will greatly benefit American Enterprises.
10. Increased support for Veterans.
11.  Made deal with Iran to stop Nuclear Proliferation.  Had he not done so, Iran was ready to stop negotiations and continue to develop the Nuclear bomb!!!
12.  Signed a Credit Card Responsibility Disclosure Act.
13. Created the HARP Act to help people in Foreclosure.
14.  Improved America's Image Overseas.
15.  Made China closed down its dirtiest Power Plants.
16.  Eliminated Catch 22 to give women the right to sue for equal pay.
17. Improved Food Safety System.
18. Signed new START Treaty with Russia.
19. Expanded wilderness and watershed protection.
20.  Gave FDA power to regulate Tobacco.
21.  Pushed Federal Agencies to be Green Leaders.
22.  He trimmed and re-oriented our Missile Defense System.
23. He invested heavily into renewable energy technology.
24. Improved School Nutrition Programs.
25. Expanded Stem Cell Research.
26  Made America oil independent
All of the above, plus!  Over 50 different accomplishments, despite a Republican Congress which was constantly trying to undermine him.  Think of what else he could have accomplished had Congress worked with him!

1.  Inherited $14 from his father, plus his credit and connections.
2.  Built 3 casinos and bankrupted them, destroying Atlantic City's economy.
3.  Stiffed his employees.
4.  Shafted tons of contractors.
5.  Filed personal bankruptcy yet owns Mara Lago.
6.  Has stiffed his government in paying Federal Income taxes for over 20 years.
7.  Has had 4,095 lawsuits in 30 years!
8.  Groped and denigrated women.
9.  Discriminated against people of color.
10.  Has divided our country.
11.  Has given voice to White Supremacists.
12.  Has accused our President of not being a US born Citizen and perpetuated this lie for over 5 years.
13.  Keeps promising his constituents things which he can not deliver.
14.  Thinks he knows more about war than the generals.
15.  Is in bed with Vladimir Putin.
16.  Is responsible for the hacking of the DNC.
17.  Told our eternal enemy to find Hillary's E-mails, thereby inviting them into our elections.
18.  Hires undocumented workers.
19.  Has a wife who is a nude model.
20.  In New York, he has driven up the already high cost of Real Estate, making it impossible for the Average person to live there.
21.  He threatened a revolution if he loses the election.
22.  Threatened to jail his opponent if he wins the election, just like Banana Republic dictators.

A Vote for Trump is a Vote for Anarchy.

Stay Tuned.
Forward this blog to your friends.
Red Beans and Ricely Yours.


Wednesday, November 2, 2016


By Effey

Call this blog "Apocalypse Now, Part II", if you will. 
Yesterday, Pinocchio thanked Anthony Weiner, for drawing the FBI's attention to himself and in tandem to Hillary Clinton.  I wonder who is the bigger pervert, Anthony Weiner or Pinocchio?  I guess "Birds of a feather flock together."  (William Turner [1545]). 
Actually, I think that Weiner is less dangerous and even more honorable than Pinocchio.  Pinocchio has stiffed thousands of workers and shafted hundreds of contractors.  At least Weiner hasn't hurt anybody, except his wife Huma Abidin!
But guess what!  "When the going gets though the tough get going".  (Knute Rockne, [1888–1931]).  Even Pinocchio had to admit that much about Hillary Clinton at the end of the second Presidential Debate.  He almost broke his jaw when he made that admission!
And even though Pinocchio is trying to make a big thing out of the e-mail challenge which Hillary got herself into, she is still ahead in the polls and will trounce Pinocchio on November 8, in the election.  She has been through all kinds of stuff before.  People are jealous of her, how smart she is and how much she has already accomplished in her life-time.  Did you know that before there was Obama Care there was Hillary Care?!  Except, when the Republicans found out that Billy assigned her the job to try to create a healthcare program for children, the Republicans dirtied their pants and made her stop!  (The dry cleaners refused to work on their pants!  That's how much they dirtied their pants!)  That is how much the Republicans care about children!
I am sure that when she becomes President one of her first priorities will be to appoint a commission to see what can be done to tweak Obama Care where it needs to be tweaked.
You see, Pinocchio just rants, raves and screams but Hillary has taken the time to speak to people, when they voice their frustrations.  I think she will do what Trump wishes in his wet dreams that he could do, namely "Make America Great Again!"
We all live in a drastically changed world!  It is time for the Republicans to realize that! 
The 1950's are a thing of the past.  Life will never be the same again, as it was then.  Thank G'd for that!!! 
Do we want to go back to segregation again?  Do we want the uncertainty of living with the fear of an atomic bomb?  Do we want typewriters again, instead of laptops?  Do we want the old mimeograph machines again or do you prefer the Xerox copying machines?  Do we want medical science to take a step back again to a time when we could not fight Polio or Tuberculosis?  Do we want to go back to a time when not all Americans were allowed to vote?  No, we have made a lot of progress.  Not enough, as far as I am concerned, but at least we have made progress!  We now know that we have done damage to our planet and to ourselves.  Thank you, Al Gore!
There are still people who like the old fashioned values!  But time marches on and they will be left behind in the dust.
We know now for sure that trickle down economics doesn't work.  Of course some people still dream that their old jobs will come back!  They refuse to accept reality and to change their careers, as if all these outdated jobs and industries will have a second life!  Wake up, America!
We lost jobs because we are no longer competitive in the global market place.  In the global market place our wages are too high.  In America, though they are too low.  But there is new, other work available.  There are new industries popping up on the horizon!  We need to prepare for them.
Now let me ask you a question.  What is an e-mail server?  Do you really know what it is?  What is the difference between your personal computer and an e-mail server?
Back in 2006 most people did not know the answer and I bet you that even now most people don't really know what it is. 
But all these investigations are made in hindsight with 20/20 vision.  We do not learn from what we know, we learn from our mistakes! 
Everybody makes mistakes.  Look at FBI Director James Comey, whom I respect immensely.  But even he overreached his authority with his recent disclosure about further investigating Hillary.  One hundred former Department of Justice prosecutors from both parties have come forward to claim that the FBI does not disclose if somebody is under investigation until the investigation is complete. (The FBI is part of the Department of Justice!)  These prosecutors are the ones who say that Comey made a huge mistake.  So why then don't the Republicans ever stop with their investigations?  If they want to investigate, let them investigate why the hackers have not hacked into the R.N.C.'s computers or looked into Pinocchio's' e-mails about his taxes?! One of Pinocchio's advisers, Roger Stone, is in cahoots with the hackers!  He admitted it himself on TV. 
And who really knows Pinocchio's relationship to Vladimir Putin? And do we really want a sexual predator in the White House?  At least Bill Clinton did not denigrate women and did not force himself onto them.  Monica L. pursued him not the other way around!  (She was a groupie!)  That means that their "sexual contact" was consensual.
In life there are Red Bloods and there are Blue Bloods.  Besides the difference in color, what is their difference?  Answer?  The Red Bloods complain about what the Blue Bloods are doing.  The Red Bloods are afraid to go out on the limb.  They look for others to rescue them.  Yet, the Blue Bloods are the movers and shakers of the world!!!  Hillary is a Blue Blood.
So, despite it all, it still looks like Hillary may be our next President.  And already the Republicans are plotting how to undermine her presidency.  They have created havoc for President Obama and the American People. 
Now Ted Cruz is telling the Republicans that they don't have to pass any recommended candidate to fill the 9th chair on the Supreme Court.  Ted Cruz should be tried for treason as Public Enemy No. 1.  He should be hung upside down by his testicles from the highest tree top we can find.  Doesn't he realize the damage he has already done when he shut down the government?  This is a self described Fiscal Conservative.  His actions in 2013 cost the American Tax Payers 24 Billion Dollars.  Is this Fiscal Conservatism?
And look at New Jersey Governor Christie, of Bridge Gate fame and one of the chief advisers to Pinocchio!  The Republicans claim that the Democrats like to raise taxes.  Governor Christie has just raised the gasoline tax in his state of New Jersey by 23 cent per gallon.  Under his leadership the cost of gasoline in New Jersey has gone from the third lowest to the sixth highest in the country!  Is that the Republican way!  Is that the Republican way of lowering taxes? 
The Republicans deserve to lose!
Stay tuned.
Forward this blog to your friends.
Red Beans and Ricely Yours.

Feel free to give your opinions and/or comments.

Monday, October 31, 2016


By Effey

I make no bones about it.  I am scared stiff of a President Trump, because having studied the signals which let us know who will turn into a dictator, I see Trump as the perfect candidate to become a Fascist Dictator.  And don't think it can not happen in America.  That was how Germans felt about their government and in the end Hitler destroyed all the Checks and Balances which the German Government did have.
I am not claiming, that Hillary Clinton is perfect, either.  Nobody is perfect.  But she has made one mistake which haunts her.  In hindsight she has fessed up to it and even apologized in a sincere genuine manner for the mistake.  Trump makes mistakes' every day and spouts lies every day sometimes as many as 37 lies in one speech. 
Dictators tell the people what they want to hear.  They make promises which they can not deliver.  In the end they destroy their countries.  Look at Hitler, Mussolini and Hugo Chavez, to name just a few.
And as much as James Comey of the FBI is known to be a man of integrity, even his former boss, US Attorney General Eric Holder, whom I also consider to be a man of integrity, has said that Mr. Comey has exceeded his authority, trying to protect himself.  You simply do not make a statement such as he made on Friday, eleven days before a General Presidential Election, simply because it could sway the end results of the election!
All this being said, I hope and pray, that we do not wind up with a President Donald Trump, but rather with Hillary.  Mistakes or not, she is still the best qualified candidate for the job.  She will not have an easy task, because the deck is stacked against her as it was against the most brilliant president this country ever had in modern times!

Tell your friends about this blog.  Forward it to them!

Stay tuned!

Red beans and Ricely yours,


Wednesday, October 26, 2016


By Effey

Back in the 1930's Hollywood helped Americans get through the Great Depression by providing jobs for thousands of people as movie extras as well as dancers and singers by creating a diversion which gave Americans a brief respite from the daily, depressing news of the times.
Movies, such as "Gold Diggers of 1935" and "42nd Street" had a cast of hundreds in great dance routines choreographed by Busby Berkley with eye catching overhead shots of the dance routines.  The movies themselves had transparently simple plots, but great music, great dances, great costumes and both, men and women, had great appealing figures.  "Hollywood Hotel" (1937) was another one of those movies featuring the song "Hooray for Hollywood" which is performed as the overture to the Academy Award ceremonies to this very day.
This movie introduced a new concept to the genre, famous big bands, with famous musicians of the time and again simple transparent plots.
But then in the mid 1940's Hollywood grew up and tackled socio-psychological issues, like the "Best Years of our Lives" about the challenges facing war veterans returning home, or "They Were Expandable" about the frustrations the Navy faced as it was forced to hop from island to island to escape from the advancing Japanese.  Mrs. Miniver" was another significant war movie, dealing with the disruptions of life for an English middle class family living through the German Rocket Blitz over London and the rescue of trapped British Troops in Dunkirk.  "Gentlemen's Agreement" was the forerunner for movies dealing with racial or ethnic prejudices such as anti-Semitism and racism against African-Americans ("Imitation of Life").
But one movie in particular, rings true especially in these, our very challenging times: "The Caine Mutiny"  The film was based on the 1951 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Herman Wouk, about a captain of a Navy destroyer (Captain Queeg) who accuses his crew of Mutiny at a time when he himself couldn't fulfill his responsibilities of the moment and refuses to accept responsibilities for his mistakes. 
The movie starred Van Johnson, Humphrey Bogart, Jose Ferrer, Fred MacMurray, Robert Francis and Jerry Paris. 
During a heavy typhoon the officers of the ship, in order to save the ship from sinking, take control of the ship and are faced with a court martial trial for mutiny.  When Captain Queeg finally gets to testify he distinctly shows symptoms of a paranoid, schizophrenic personality
The members of the court just sit there quietly and realize what is going on and that the crew acted responsibly and not foolishly.
The courtroom episode reminds me very much of what our country is going through right now.  We have challenges, lots of them.  But Donald Trump keeps on rambling and spouting lies that he is the only one who can "save" this country.  He hasn't got the foggiest ideas, real ideas, on why there is an "establishment" and a "system" and how they have evolved over time for various different reasons.  We know that in general terms both work!  Can they be improved?  Probably!  In fact, yes!  There is always room for improvement.  But he pretends to have all the answers.  But so far he has not given us one idea that would work.  His mantra is that only he can fix our problems.  He is enamored with himself and is both an egomaniac and a megalomaniac!
In fact, if you ever have a chance to rent the movie "The Great Dictator" starring Charlie Chaplin and Jack Oakley in the roles of Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini you will see exactly why I accuse Donald Trump of being a demagogue or a latent dictator. 
If truth be told, the problems we face were not created by President Obama or Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.  They were created by a Republican Congress which undermined the two wherever and whenever possible.  We need a democratic president and a democratic congress, so that the President can create whatever policies this country needs to get out of our gridlock which has paralyzed our country.  Only then will we be able to tackle our challenges.  Having a democratic president who is progressive and a congress which wants to stand still and freeze in time will not work.  It is time that Americans wake up and not accuse our President of having failed to move the country forward but put the blame where it really belongs, with our Republican Congress.
Nevertheless, I am glad that Trump tried to run for the office of the president!  Why?  Because inadvertently he exposed the Republicans, who even though they did not like Donald Trump, they did not do anything to stop him.  They found all kinds of excuses to excuse his rude behavior, his true character and the fact that he is one of the biggest crooks who ever ran for the office of President of this country.  They overlooked the fact that he cheated hundreds of workers out of their salaries, built his empire on the backs of the middle class, without paying Federal Income Taxes, and duping people into signing up for his Trump University which did nothing for them, except extol Trump's virtues and treating women like chattel!  In comparison look at President Barack Obama who is beyond reproach and has integrity and has moved the country forward despite the Congress!  And also look at Clinton who has worked for the people who had no one to represent their rights, all her life!  Nobody is perfect.  But some are more perfect than others and vice versa, some are less perfect than others.  Donald Trump is the least perfect of all.  He lives in the gutter.

Stay Tuned.

Red Beans and Ricely Yours


Thursday, September 29, 2016

Trump, The Chump, who should be dumped.

By Effey

Trump, The Chump, who should be dumped, shows absolutely no sign of understanding foreign policy.  For example: when he talks about Iraq he keeps saying we should have taken the oil, before we left Iraq.  He does not seem to either remember how many American lives we lost in Iraq or how many more American lives it would have cost the United States to take the oil.  Is he completely off his rocker?!
He may be 70 years old, but he talks like a 3 year old.
As Tim Kaine, the democratic candidate for Vice-President has recently said, "Donald Trump is a one man wrecking crew."  And that is not a compliment!!!
Trump's attitude to women is that of a 7 year old.  No sign of sensitivity when it comes to others except when somebody says something derogatory about him.  Then he cries like a baby that those people weren't "nice" to him.
Some time ago, I wrote a blog, entitled "People who live in glass houses…"  This phrase did not originate with me.  It was written by Geoffrey Chaucer for his play "Troilus and Criseyde" in 1385,  In other words "don't be a hypocrite, you will pay dearly for such an act of violent behavior.  Now the stones are being hurled back at him and the barrage of stones are hurting him. 
I recently saw our current President Barack Obama having a town hall meeting with veterans.  I simply love hearing this man speak because he thinks about what he will say before he blurts out his thoughts.  And when he speaks he is sensitive to the issue being discussed.
Donald Trump constantly reminds me of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler.  He says things which the people want to hear and he is constantly willing to abrogate agreements others made because he thinks he knows better.  Guess what!  Both of them, both Mussolini and Hitler, kept their promises.  They did what they had promised their masses they would do.  And the masses loved what they did, but then the masses had to pay the price for their adulation of these two leaders.  Millions of soldiers died in battle, and their countries were decimated by their enemies.  Mussolini realized what damage he had caused to his country and his fellow Italians.  So, he tried to escape to Switzerland but on the way he got caught by Italian partisans and was hung upside down from the roof of a gas station. 
Hitler also refused to listen to the advice of his generals and he wound up committing suicide in the Humboldt Bunker in Berlin.  When the Russians entered Berlin and found his dead body they immolated it with fire so there would be no trace left of him.
And look what happened to Muamar Gjaddafi of Libya not so long ago!  When his time of reckoning came the mobs beat him to death, even though he cried like a baby pleading for mercy. It was a horror show to watch.  When he was finally dead they buried him in an unknown place so nobody would be able to find his grave.
I am not claiming that the same fate will happen to Trump should he become our president (which I seriously doubt will ever happen).  But we, the people, will pay a high price for his actions.  It took America almost close to 400 years to recognize that African Americans are human beings, not chattel.  It took us a century to legislate that the African Americans have the same God give unalienable rights that Whites have.  When they bleed they hurt the same as others do. 
It took women almost a century to be given the same rights which men are given by the Constitution.  But no!  Donald Trump wants to go back in time and erase decades of progress.
Wake up America!  We need to move forward not backward.  The problems we have in America are in large part due to the Republicans who want time to stand still and care more about the very rich than the middle class.  Time doesn't stand still, it moves on.  If you stand still, you will be behind.  And we have lost in the last two decades largely, but not only, because of the Republican Party and their refusal to work with President Obama.  Instead they undermined all his attempts to make changes and policies to help the middle class and to make America better.  But instead they stifled him.  (As an example, just recently Congress overrode the President's veto for American citizens to sue Saudi Arabia).  So now the people who elected the Republicans are paying the price for their choices.  To elect Donald Trump will only add fuel to the fire which is already raging!

Stay tuned.

Red Beans and ricely yours,

P.S.  Pass this blog on to a friend.  This election will decide the future of this country for decades to come.  We need an experienced friend of the people in the White House, not Donald Trump who has stiffed hundreds, if not thousands of people and who will in the end hurt us more than he will help.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The Morning after the Night Before

By Effey
Last night we witnessed the most important political event in modern American Presidential History: the first debate of the 2016 campaign for President of the United States.  It was important in two respects.  It was the first time a woman is the nominee of her political party running against one of the biggest liars in all of recent history as well as the biggest showman and slick snake oil salesman since P. T. (Phineas Taylor) Barnum (1810 –1891), Donald J. Trump.
Hillary Clinton swept the floor with The Don.  She goaded him and he fell for the bait and thereby unraveled his message losing in a big way.  His body language and his constant sniffles showed that he was visibly uncomfortable because he realized that he was losing against Hillary.  He also kept drinking water every few minutes.   Obviously his throat started to dry up.  This usually happens when a person gets scared or nervous.  Of course, in typical Trump fashion he claimed that he won the debate, contrary to what the viewers believed and what some straw polls, taken immediately after the debate, showed.  If Trump had a wooden nose like Pinocchio had it would stretch from New York to California.
Hillary got Donald really upset and made him very uncomfortable when she posed the question and supplied the answer at the same time why the Don would not release his tax returns.  She suggested something I myself have suggested in the past, namely that he probably did not pay any federal taxes at all, which he considered to be smart.
Personally, I find this offensive.  He is living off the taxes, we the little guys have to pay.  He claimed he did not like the government, yet he is profiting from the very government that gave him the opportunity to become wealthy.  He is mocking the hand which is feeding him.
I was really proud of Hillary.  She exposed him for what he really is, what the last republican candidate, the former governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney called "a phony and a fraud."
I used to have dark hair but when it looked like Hillary might lose the contest it turned white.  This morning, when I looked in the mirror, I saw it turning dark again.  My worries are over!
Kelley Anne Conway, his third and current campaign manager, better get paid off in full now, in the next couple of weeks, before she too gets stiffed by Donald!
P.T. Barnum once said "there is a sucker born every minute".  Trump' supporters still believe that he will rescue America and "make America great again".  Little do they realize that Donald is in this race for himself and no one else!  He wants to become President because he faces $650 million debt for his businesses and several potential lawsuits which could possibly put him in jail.  He has used $10 million dollars of campaign contributions to pay off some legal bills.  This, of course, is illegal and could possibly land him in jail.  Perhaps he believes that the Senate and the House of Representatives will again be in the majority and therefore will block any impeachment effort.  Of course he will always deny those allegations as he constantly does when confronted by the media about some irregularity.  He spins the allegations around by claiming that this is a good and smart business strategy.
Michael Bloomberg, the former independent mayor of New York said it best at the Democratic National Convention when he said "I am from New York.  And I know a con man when I see one!"
If Trump ever becomes president, it will be the darkest day in American History, because he will destroy the country and blame everybody else, except himself.  He has all the characteristics of a dictator.

Stay tuned.
Red beans and ricely yours.


Monday, September 12, 2016

9/11-The Day Which Changed America

By Effey

Once again we commemorated 9/11.  Once again we were reminded of how 9/11 transformed our lives.
We have quite a number of other occasions too, which we should commemorate, because thousands of Americans lost their lives on those occasions, December 7th, 1941, the day Japan attacked the United States Fleet at Pearl Harbor and triggered the second war of the 1940's, the Pacific War.
D-Day, June 6, 1944, the day when we invaded Europe to fight Nazi Germany, which had conquered most of Western Europe and was even threatening the United States.  Thousands of our troops lost their lives on that day and even more came home crippled for life.
But how do we commemorate those events?  By having major stores having big sales on those days and families having picnics on those days! 
Somewhere there is something wrong with this form of commemoration!  These anniversaries are not joyous occasions!  They are sad and somber days, which affected millions of American and their families.  Don't we owe more to the many who lost their lives in those battles?
And yes, there is also the Holocaust which cost 10 million victims to lose their lives.  It was not just the genocide of Jews.  It also affected disabled and chronically ill people.  It affected people who spoke out against the events of the time and millions more.
In Israel the government created a special Day of Remembrance, called "Yom HaShoah", which is the day the concentration camps of Germany were liberated.  On Yom HaShoah at 12 noon all sirens wail throughout Israel, traffic comes to a halt for one minute, people get out of their vehicles and stand in silence next to their vehicles.
In Germany many people wear black clothes and go to the cemeteries to put flowers on the graves of what seem to be the graves of soldiers (not necessarily their relatives). 

Is it asking too much to commemorate the lives of those who fought and died for our freedom in a more somber way than having picnics and sales?  Are we really that jaded?